
MCT oil is a great option for you to choose when you are looking to increase your energy quickly, help produce ketones in the body, fight off problems with blood sugars, and improve focus and memory. There are a lot of different ways that you can consume this product to get its health benefits including:

Cooking with MCT Oil and Getting in Your Best Health
Enhance meals with MCT oil drizzle

  • In your coffee in the morning instead of creamer
  • In your smoothie or shake for a good snack
  • In water during the day
  • In some of your meals

But this does bring up the question of whether you can cook with MCT oil. There is a lot of conflicting information out there about this, which can make it hard to know whether you should pull this oil out to help you when it is time to do some cooking. We are going to take a closer look at whether you can cook with MCT oil or not.

Can I Cook with MCT Oil?

When compared to some of the other oils available, MCT is not the ideal oil to cook with. It doesn’t do well at really high temperatures, so if you are not careful, you could burn your meal. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t use alternative methods to help you add this oil to your cooking.

As you look at recipes to add MCT oil too, remember that it is has a low smoke point, similar to flaxseed oil, and walnut oil. This means that it will not do well in stir-frying or pan-frying. If you do decide to use MCT oil in your cooking, make sure that you never use it in temperatures above 320 degrees.

There are other ways that you can use MCT oil in your cooking though. Some ideas to consider include:

  • As a salad dressing ingredient
  • A way to enhance your smoothies
  • Drizzled over cooked meat
  • In your desserts

We will explore some of these methods so that you can get the most out of MCT oil in every meal.

Health Benefits of MCT Oil

So, why would you want to add MCT oil to your cooking anyway? Wouldn’t it be better to just choose to take it as a supplement or even go with a different type of oil instead? There are many health benefits to choosing MCT oil in your diet, including:

  • Healthy blood sugar levels: MCT may support healthy blood sugar levels when taken properly.
  • Brain Function: When MCT oil helps to stimulate ketones, it can help to support normal brain function, assisting with memory and focus.
  • Weight Management: Research suggests that adding MCT oil to your diet can help the body use more energy, which helps boost the number of calories burnt after meals.
  • Boost energy and focus: MCT oil could be beneficial as a fast source of energy because the body will absorb it quickly. As it is converted to ketones, it can help support brain function for focus and concentration.

MCTs come in various forms, making it easier than ever to incorporate them into your daily routine. Whether in powder, capsules, gummies, or tablets, you can choose the format that works best for your lifestyle. While MCT oil is perfect for cooking and mixing into beverages, the powder form offers a convenient and versatile alternative, especially for those who prefer a mixable option.

If you’re seeking an easy way to experience the benefits of MCTs, Gundry MD MCT Wellness offers a high-quality powdered blend that supports energy, metabolism, and healthy blood sugar levels. This premium formula is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily life, providing a quick and efficient source of clean energy, without the hassle of oil. Whether you’re adding it to your morning smoothie or sprinkling it over your snacks, Gundry MD MCT Wellness makes it easier than ever to enjoy the full range of benefits MCTs have to offer.

The Right Way to Use MCT Oil

While cooking at high temperatures is not a good idea because this can harm the oil and may take away some of the benefits, there are other ways that you can cook with MCT oil and get all the goodness out of it. Some of the options that you can consider include:


Spice up your lifestyle by adding some MCT oil to your drinks. A good place to start is with your smoothies and shakes, specifically your post-workout ones. If you don’t take smoothies that often, consider adding a bit of MCT oil to your coffee or tea for a bit of added boost during the day.


Pesto is a wonderful addition to your dishes, especially if you are thinking a little Italian in the evening. And since it is already creamy and so good, adding MCT oil to it is just going to make it a bit better.

To make a great pesto, take out a blender and combine together:

  • Salt to taste
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 Tbsp. MCT oil
  • .33 c. pine nuts
  • .5 c. olive oil
  • .5 c. parmesan
  • 2 c. basil leaves


Guacamole is a great side to add to a lot of the different meals you would like to enjoy. You can also add some MCT oil to this one to make sure your body gets the nutrients that it is looking for.

This can be as simple or as complicated as you would like. Take 4 large avocados and mash them in a bowl to make them creamy. Stir in a tablespoon of MCT oil and you are ready to go. You can also add in a few other ingredients to finish it off like:

  • 1 Tbsp. hot sauce
  • Salt and pepper
  • .25 tsp. cumin
  • .25 c. lime juice
  • 1 crushed garlic clove
  • .25 c. chopped cilantro
  • 1 minced red onion.

Soups, Dressings, and Sauces

MCT oil or powder can really make a big change to your dressings and sauces. You can do a bit of experimenting with these to ensure that you have a tasty soup or a sauce that is going to be healthy and delicious all at once.

Sauteed Veggies

You don’t have to do much to add a bit more MCT oil to your diet. If you are already planning to cook up some vegetables to go with supper, then use MCT oil on them. You can toss the oil on after the vegetables are cooked. Or, you can cook with the oil, just make sure to keep on medium heat.

Sweet Potato Omelets

This is another great way to add some MCT oil to your breakfast. You can just add a few teaspoons of MCT oil to the egg of the omelet when whisking and then bake on low to medium heat. This can take a bit longer to get breakfast on the table, but it will taste amazing and be so good for you.


Even your desserts can benefit from MCT oil. Swirl it into your baked treats or even into some ice cream and throw it in the freezer. You can use it in any baked goodie that is cooked low and slow, so make sure that you bake it at 302 degrees or lower.

How Much MCT Oil Should I Cook With?

Enhance meals with MCT oil drizzle

Enhance meals with MCT oil drizzle

A little bit goes a long way when it comes to the amount of MCT oil that you should consider cooking with. You may assume that you need quite a bit, but most people are fine with one or two tablespoons a day.

This means that you do not have to add a ton to your recipes to get the good benefits that this oil can promise. Choose one area to add the oil each day, such as in your coffee one day and then in dessert the next, to make sure that you don’t take on too much.

Final Thoughts

Cooking with MCT oil can be so beneficial for your health. And with a little bit of careful planning, you will find that this oil is such a versatile tool to use in the kitchen. While it is best to use MCT oil in moderation and to follow the recommended serving guidelines, there are so many ways to start adding this oil into your cooking!

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Ann Musico

Certified Health Coach

Ann is a certified holistic health coach, author and independent nutritional consultant who empowers women to live well.