In This Review
Overview on Memory Vitamins
There is a link between diet and memory, since your brain needs the right nutrients to maintain your memory; you need to have a proper diet plan to assist your brain. Now these days memory loss affects millions of people. There are some memory losses, which may be temporary, but other forms of memory loss can be long-term, like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Remedies may be available to fight this problem of memory loss. However, healthcare professionals and researchers believe that prevention is a better option than treatment.

Vitamins are most important nutrition for brain-memory. The memory loss pills help stimulate or activate some chemical agents that are important for brain and memory function.
The body requires assistance to prevent free radicals from damaging the brain. Vitamin helps to carry oxygen to the brain, without this help increase risk of developing major brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease cannot be prevented.
Health care providers admit that intake of vitamin-E and vitamin-C lowers this risk. Consumption of 400 IU vitamin-E and 500 IU of vitamin-C are necessary to prevent the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Alike Alzheimer’s disease there are many other memory diseases can occur due to lack of vitamins such as dementia and Huntington’s disease. Vitamin-B6, vitamin-B9, vitamin-B12 can prevent the risk of developing dementia and Huntington’s disease.
Do Vitamins Work to Improve Your Memory?
Yes, vitamins can improve your memory. It has been establish that certain vitamins and fatty acids can assist to prevent memory loss. Particularly vitamin-C and vitamin-E helps to prevent memory loss. Vitamin-Bs, vitamin-A, vitamin-E have great impact on memory boosting also can reduce memory loss.
Best Memory Vitamins:
When memory is a concern then, there are some major vitamins, which can help you improving memory recover memory loss, such as

Best Memory Vitamins
1. Vitamin B6: Research has shown that vitamin-B6 improves memory by creating defensive shield for the neurons in the brain. Vitamin-B6 is very helpful in the prevention of dementia and Huntington’s disease. Foods like sweet potato, oatmeal, soybean, lemma bean etc are rich in vitamin-B6. [1]
2. Vitamin B9: Vitamin-B9 also helps improving memory and preventing disease like dementia. Vitamin-B9 is very important for boosting your memory, daily consumption of foods such as spinach and other dark, leafy green vegetables, broccoli may give your brain source of vitamin-B
3. Vitamin B12: Recent research shows that memory loss and low vitamin-B12 in the body is interlinked. To improve memory enough vit-B12 is necessary. Some foods are rich in vitamin-B12 such as eggs, dairy products, red meat and forfeited cereal. [2]
4. Vitamin C: Another immense help for memory development is Vitamin-C. Iron is a very important component for improvement of memory. However, Iron cannot be absorbed directly from the food to the body; vitamin-C helps the body to absorb all the iron taken with the food. This function of vitamin-C helps the brain prevent Alzheimer’s disease and boost memory.
5. Vitamin E: It is established that vitamin-E prevent memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps increase memory in older people. Tofu, spinach, nuts, sunflower seeds and avocados are rich in Vitamin-E, a person should keep at least one of these in the daily meal to improve their memory condition.
6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Research has shown that Omega-3 fatty acid containing diets help improve memory. Sea fishes for example salmon, sardines, and herring are rich in Omega-3 fatty acid; Omega-3 fatty acids also helps to increase HDL cholesterol in the body which ensures a healthy heart and good blood supply to the brain. [3]
7. Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene is the major source of vitamin-A, which is essential for normal growth of brain and physical development. It is good for the immune system and eyes too. Beta-carotene also has antioxidant properties, which helps to prevent free radicals from damaging brain.
8. Choline: Choline is a essential nutrient required for memory improvement. It has similar properties as Vitamin-Bs. Poultry foods, eggs, baked food, cereal are rich in chorine.
9. Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo is an herb also known as the maidenhair tree. The leaves of this tree are normally used for making herbal medicine, but these medicines are not officially verified. Ginkgo leaves are often used for treating memory disorders and cardiovascular disorders and this ingredient is found in Trunature Memory Complex supplement that support to enhance brain function, with particular focus on improving memory, focus and concentration.
10. Gotu Kola: Gotu kola is another herb also known as centella. It is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine used for treating memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.
11. Antioxidants: Fresh green fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which helps in the process of preventing free radicals from damaging our brain. For antioxidants we can rely on green tea.
12. Vitamin A: Vitamin-A is necessary for growth of brain and for physical development. Animal food products such as: meat, fish, poultry and dairy foods are rich in vitamin-A. Vitamin-A can also found in fruits and vegetables.
13. Vitamin D: Several fatty sea fish like sardine, tuna etc are rich source of Vitamin-D. It is necessary for the regulation of the calcium and phosphorus in the brain.

Vitamin D Supplement Dose
Safe way to Take Memory Vitamins:
If you could find a single natural source that contains all these vitamins, that will be best. But unfortunately there is no such option and taking all these vitamins separately will be very expensive. Therefore, you have to depend on the memory supplements in the pharmaceuticals available on the market. Most of the pharmaceutical products like ADDTabz which are safe, but before taking those consulting with a doctor is very important. There are best vitamins for brain health supplements on the market, such as vitamin-B complexes, 10-vitamin supplements, and multivitamins with minerals. You can take Gotu kola and Ginkgo separately. You can eat fishes that contain Omega-3 and Vitamin-D, but many people prefer fish oil containing capsules.
Final Verdict
If you are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or Huntington’s disease or dementia some vitamins can help you to prevent and improve these conditions. The list of prospective solutions includes B-vitamins, omega-3, vitamin-A, vitamin-E, vitamin-C and some herbal supplements like ginkgo and Gotu Kola.
To improve your cognitive health, you can read the Noocube Reviews and then decide whether you want to buy it or not.
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3 Sources
We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.
[1] Kennedy DO. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy--A Review. Nutrients. 2016;8(2):68. Published 2016 Jan 27. doi:10.3390/nu8020068[2] Jatoi S, Hafeez A, Riaz SU, Ali A, Ghauri MI, Zehra M. Low Vitamin B12 Levels: An Underestimated Cause Of Minimal Cognitive Impairment And Dementia. Cureus. 2020;12(2):e6976. Published 2020 Feb 13. doi:10.7759/cureus.6976
[3] Omega-3 in fish: How eating fish helps your heart?