In This Article

Boron Overview

Boron is a trace element found in the human body (tissue, bones, and organs) and the earth. It is referred to as a trace mineral since only trace levels are required for human health. It wasn’t designated an essential mineral for humans until 1990, and research on the roles it performs in the body and its relevance is still ongoing. Indeed, it was not deemed vital for animals until 1981 (when a study discovered it was necessary for the growth of chicks). [1]

Boron – Is It Keep You Fit and Healthy or Just a Vague?
Boron Ingredients

According to research and studies, boron is needed for maximum health, and its lack can lead to a variety of health issues.

Sources of Boron

The body requires boron in minute amounts. It can be obtained from various plant products, including peanuts, raisins, plums, dates, kidney beans, soybeans, hazelnuts, chickpeas, currants, tomato, olive, borlotti beans, potato wine, beer, onion, legumes, and broccoli. Honey also contains boron in trace amounts. The actual amounts vary depending on the boron levels in the soil where the food is grown. Boron can also be found in wine, cider, and beer. [2]

Among toddlers, fruits and fruit juices account for 38% of boron intake, while milk and cheese account for 19%. Milk and cheese products provide 18%–20% of boron intakes in adolescents, whereas drinks, particularly instant coffee, are the most important dietary source of boron in adults.

Boron content in plant foods is affected by the boron content of the soil and water in which they were cultivated. Brazil, Japan, and the majority of the United States have low levels of boron in their soil, owing to high levels of rainfall, which leaches boron out of the earth. Boron concentrations are higher in arid regions of the world, including California and parts of Turkey, Chile, Argentina, Russia, and Peru. [3]

Possible Health Benefits of Boron

  • 1. Increases bone strength.
  • Boron aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium, resulting in stronger bones. Because boron is naturally found in our bones, enough boron consumption is required to maintain bone health. Boron supplements can be quite beneficial to people who have osteoporosis. Another ailment that can be managed with boron consumption is osteoarthritis. [4]

  • 2. Beneficial for Menopausal Women
  • When a woman reaches menopause, her estrogen levels fall, and her body undergoes numerous hormonal changes. They may endure a variety of debilitating symptoms as a result of these changes. Boron enhances the effects of estrogen and, as a result, can be highly helpful in alleviating painful symptoms in postmenopausal women. [5]

  • 3. Boron in the form of Boric Acid
  • Boron, like boric acid, is quite useful as a dusting powder for many illnesses. Boric acid can be applied to afflicted regions to treat fungal and bacterial diseases. Boron is also used in commercial mouthwashes. [6]

  • 4. Borax Treatments.
  • In the form of borax solution, boron is effective in the treatment of eye infections and mouth ulcers.

  • 5. Boron is good for your brain.
  • Although boron is beneficial in various ways, as evidenced by the uses listed above, its primary advantage is improved brain health. Boron deficiency has been linked to reduced brain functioning and lower cognitive performance. Boron is extremely beneficial in improving memory, hand-eye coordination, and manual dexterity. By increasing boron consumption (but not above the required amounts), brain function improves, which improves alertness and cognitive ability. [7]

  • 6. Lowers the risk of kidney stones.
  • Boron is critical for healthy cell membrane function and aids in the regulation of metabolic activities. Boron consumption promotes calcium and magnesium absorption and metabolism. The danger of kidney stones is greatly reduced due to the proper absorption of these minerals. [8]

    Potential Side Effects of Boron

    Boron side effects include:

    • blue/green feces discoloration
    • dermatitis
    • diarrhea
    • upper abdominal pain
    • nausea
    • vomiting
    • Renal impairment is a rare adverse effect of boron (high dose)[9]

    There is no set daily average for this vitamin. However, 10mg is a generally accepted standard used in scientific studies. The following can be given:

    • Paroxysmal Adult Dosage for Supraventricular Tachycardia
    • 1-20 mg/day; maximum tolerated intake is around 20 mg/day

    For Children:

    • Children aged 1-3 years: 3 mg/day;
    • Children aged 3-8 years: 6 mg/day;
    • Children aged 8-12 years: 11 mg/day;
    • Children aged 13-18 years: 17 mg/day
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    Boron Supplements

    Select a boron supplement that contains chelated boron. Boron is connected with other protein molecules in the chelated form, making it easier for the mineral to be absorbed and utilized by the human body.

    In the United States, mineral supplements are not regulated. To ensure that you are purchasing a boron supplement prepared with proper quality control and safe processes, you should only purchase boron products manufactured in compliance with pharmaceutical GMP standards.

    The majority of mineral supplements contain many minerals. Many manufacturers do not correctly prepare their supplements and employ a combination of minerals that do not interact well with one another.

    As a result, the minerals are not absorbed by the body and pass through without helping you. To avoid this, only use boron supplements that expert specialists have professionally produced.

    One of the best solutions is to take a multivitamin that contains boron and other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that work together to provide your body with what it requires.

    Boron FAQ’s

    Q: What is boron?

    A: Boron is a trace element that occurs naturally in several foods and is also available in most dietary supplements. It is a basic component of the walls of plant cells that are necessary for plant development, pollination, and seed generation. [10]

    Q: What is boron used for?

    A: Amorphous boron is used to ignite rocket fuel and in pyrotechnic flares. It imparts a characteristic green color to the flares. Boric acid, boric oxide, and sodium borate are the most important boron compounds. These are found in mild antiseptics, eye drops, tile glazes and laundry detergents. [11]

    Q: How many neutrons does boron have?

    A: Boron-10 has five protons in its nucleus, and that every element has the same number of protons in its nucleus. Therefore there will be six neutrons. [12]

    Q: Who discovered boron?

    A: In 1808, Louis-Jacques Thénard, Louis-Josef Gay-Lussac working in Paris, and Sir Humphry Davy working in London, individualistically extracted boron by heating potassium metal with borax. Neither had produced the pure element, which is almost impossible to obtain. A more refined type of boron was isolated in 1892 by Henri Moissan. Eventually, a US-based scientist named E. Weintraub extracted wholly pure boron by sparking boron chloride with hydrogen and BCl3 vapor. The material obtained (boron) was reported to have different properties to elements previously extracted. [13]

    Q: Is boron a nonmetal?

    A: Boron is neither a nonmetal nor a metal; instead, it is classified as a semimetal or a metalloid. [14]

    Q: Where is boron found?

    A: Boron is principally gotten from boron mines, situated in dry areas of the USA and Turkey, and also in Chile, Argentina, Russia, Peru and China. [15]

    Q: How many electrons are in boron?

    A: Each boron atom has five electrons in its atomic core. [16]

    Q: Is boron reactive?

    A: Boron is a poor conductor of electricity and is fairly non-reactive, although it is water-soluble. [17]

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    17 Sources

    We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

    [1] Pizzorno L. Nothing Boring About Boron. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(4):35-48.
    [2] Boron:
    [3] Boron:
    [4] Newnham RE. Essentiality of boron for healthy bones and joints. Environ Health Perspect. 1994 Nov;102 Suppl 7(Suppl 7):83-5. doi: 10.1289/ehp.94102s783. PMID: 7889887; PMCID: PMC1566627.
    [5] Nielsen FH. Biochemical and physiologic consequences of boron deprivation in humans. Environ Health Perspect. 1994 Nov;102 Suppl 7(Suppl 7):59-63. doi: 10.1289/ehp.94102s759. PMID: 7889883; PMCID: PMC1566640.
    [6] Woods WG. An introduction to boron: history, sources, uses, and chemistry. Environ Health Perspect. 1994 Nov;102 Suppl 7(Suppl 7):5-11. doi: 10.1289/ehp.94102s75. PMID: 7889881; PMCID: PMC1566642.
    [7] Nielsen FH, Eckhert CD. Boron. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(2):461-462. doi:10.1093/advances/nmz110
    [8] Pizzorno L. Nothing Boring About Boron. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(4):35-48.
    [9] Ergul AB, Kara M, Karakukcu C, Tasdemir A, Aslaner H, Ergul MA, Muhtaroglu S, Zararsiz GE, Torun YA. High Doses of Boron Have No Protective Effect Against Nephrolithiasis or Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2018 Nov;186(1):218-225. doi: 10.1007/s12011-018-1294-1. Epub 2018 Mar 8. PMID: 29520723.
    [10] Shireen F, Nawaz MA, Chen C, et al. Boron: Functions and Approaches to Enhance Its Availability in Plants for Sustainable Agriculture. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(7):1856. Published 2018 Jun 24. doi:10.3390/ijms19071856
    [11] Boron:
    [12] Boron has two isotopes, boron-10 and boron-11. Boron-10 has five protons and five neutrons. How many protons and neutrons does boron-11 have? Explain.:
    [13] Boron Facts for Kids:
    [14] Is Boron a Metal or Nonmetal?:
    [15] Elevli, B.; Yaman, ?.; Laratte, B. Estimation of the Turkish Boron Exportation to Europe. Mining 2022, 2, 155-169.
    [16] Boron:
    [17] Element of the week: Boron: