In This Article

About Beetroot

Beetroot isn’t on any best vegetable list right now. It’s not in the top twenties or thirties. Quite a shame, because by the time you finish reading this write-up, you are going to wish you knew beetroot before you were born. Yeah, it is that beneficial.

Beetroot 101: The Potential Benefits of Beetroot & Nutrition Facts
Beetroot: Benefits and nutrition. Image/Shutterstock

It is a root plant with the Latin name Beta vulgaris. It is from the Chenopodiaceae plant family. [1]

Beetroot originates from the Mediterranean, so it needs a relatively warm climate to thrive. Unlike other similar vegetable plants, beets are easy to grow. It can be grown in pots and planted directly in garden soil. It is a vegetable commonly grown in many home gardens around the world.

What are Benefits of Beetroot?

The health benefits of beetroots were recognized as early as the Middle Ages, when they were used to treat diseases related to digestion and blood. However, they discovered even more positive reasons of eating beets. They include:

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

Beetroot is an excellent remedy for hematopoiesis, which prevents anemia. Also, beets contain a lot of folic acids. Folic acid not only determines proper fetal development, but it also helps remove homocysteine from the blood, which can help prevent heart disease.

Antitumor properties

Another key role of betalains is to destroy free radicals. Free radicals damage DNA, which can lead to tumor formation. Due to the high protein content of beets, they are an excellent weapon to prevent or even potentially fight many types of cancer. [2]

Also, you will be treated to treat anemia. It means that they are also very good for cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy and have weakened bodies.

Relieve the symptoms of menopause

Beets work very well on postmenopausal women. Vegetables reduce the risk of osteoporosis, lower blood pressure and recurring migraines, and relieve hot flashes.

Help us fight viruses

Eating beetroot

Eating beetroot

The consumption of beetroot and the consumption of beet juice strengthen the body’s resistance to diseases, especially viral infections. It is also useful in case of cough because beets have an expectorant effect.

Helps identify potential problems

Over fifteen percent of the adult population has beeturia – after ingestion of beet, they excrete red or pink urine. This is not harmful, but it can indicate problems with iron deficiency, overexertion, or metabolism, so it should be checked by a doctor.

Beetroot and diabetes

Beetroot And Diabetes

Beetroot And Diabetes

Although beetroot is extremely healthy, there is a group of people who should control their consumption. People with diabetes shouldn’t eat too many beets due to the high sugar content and high glycemic index (GI = 64) of beets. [3]

What Is Beetroot Made Of?

Beets are mainly composed of water at about eighty-seven percent, carbohydrates at eight percent, and fiber close to three percent. They also contain plant compounds.


Raw or cooked beets offer around eight to ten percent of carbohydrates. Simple sugars such as fructose account for more than eighty percent of carbohydrates found in beets – both raw and cooked. Beetroot also contains fructans, short-chain carbohydrates “acronymed” as FODMAPs. Some people cannot digest these, due to unpleasant digestive symptoms. [4]

Beetroot has a glycemic index (GI) of 64, which is considered medium. GI is a measure of how quickly your blood sugar rises after a meal. On the other hand, beets have a low glycemic load – just 5. This means that beets shouldn’t have a significant effect on blood sugar because the total amount of carbohydrates in each serving is small. [5]


Beetroot is high in fiber and contains more than three grams per cup. Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet and is associated with a lower risk of various diseases.

Ways of Preparing Beets

Ways of Preparing Beets

Vitamins and minerals

Beetroot is an awesome source of a lot of vital minerals and vitamins. For example, folate (vitamin B9) is a B vitamin and is important for normal tissue and cell growth occupation. This is especially necessary for pregnant women. Manganese is an essential trace element, found in large amounts in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, helps the body grow, maintains a healthy nervous system and strong bones, and is especially important for human metabolism and the reproductive system.

Potassium helps lower blood pressure and has positive effects on the heart. Iron, as a primary mineral, has many functions in the body. It is needed to carry oxygen in red blood cells. Finally, it contains vitamin C, an antioxidant important for immune system function and skin health.

Plant Compounds

Plant compounds are natural herbal substances, some of which can help with general body health. Some of the main plant compounds in beetroot are betanin, inorganic nitrates, oxalates, and violaxanthin.


Betanine, also called red beetroot, is the most common beet pigment responsible for its deep red color. It is believed to have several health benefits.

Inorganic Nitrate

Inorganic nitrate, which is abundant in leafy green vegetables, beets, and beetroot juice, is converted to nitric oxide in your body and has many vital functions. Beet and beet juice contain extremely high levels of nitrates. Research shows that a diet high in nitrates can have positive health effects, including lowering blood pressure and the risk of many diseases.

It converts nitrates from foods – such as beets – into nitric oxide, which travels down the walls of the arteries, sends signals to the muscle cells around the blood vessels, and influences them to relax. When these cells reduce in size, your blood vessels dilate, and your blood pressure drops.


Vulgaxanthins are of the betaxanthin family, the chief yellow pigments gotten from beets and plants such as the Marvel of Peru and the chard. These are antioxidant pigments, type I, II, III, IV, and V. The activity of water affects the steadiness of this antioxidant. It has been considered as a food ingredient, but its uncertainty remains an issue. It was sometimes found as orange in beetroots.


Oxalate is a compound found in certain foods such as spinach, soda, chocolate, and even beer, and the body also produces it as a waste product. It comes from the body in urine. Beetroot contains large amounts of oxalates, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Oxalates (salts or esters of oxalic acid) also have antibody properties. This means that they can inhibit the body’s process of absorbing micronutrients. The level of oxalate in the leaves is much higher than the root itself, but the root is believed to still have a high oxalate content.

Beetroots FAQs

Q: Can you eat raw beetroots?

A: Peel the outer skin with a peeler if you plan to consume beetroot. Fresh, raw beets can be grated and introduced into salad meals or used in soups. Beets are typically baked, stewed, or prepared prior to being cut into both thick and thin cubes, pieces, or portions.

Q: What is beetroot good for?

A: Beetroot offers some notable health benefits. It’s low in calories and a fantastic source of nutrients, consisting of fiber, vitamin C, and folic acid. Beets are likewise high in pigments and nitrates, which can assist decrease blood pressure and boost physical performance.

Q: Is beetroot good for diabetes?

A: Beetroot is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that have a tested health benefit for everyone. Usage of beetroot seems especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Beetroot reduces the threat of common problems of diabetes, consisting of nerve and eye damage.

Q: Is beetroot good for you?

A: Consuming beets can improve energy levels, increase brain functions, and enhance the immune system. There is a side effect of taking in beets that surprises some people. Beets can cause beeturia when urine turns pink or red, although it is not damaging.

Q: Does beetroot lower blood pressure?

A: Beetroot contains a naturally high quantity of nitrates, which your gastrointestinal system converts to nitric oxide. This compound dilates blood vessels, which in turn decreases high blood pressure.

Q: Is beetroot helpful for pimples?

A: Beetroot juice works wonders on oily skin and in combating acne and pimples. Consuming beetroot juice mixed with carrot or cucumber is filled with antioxidants and is tremendously helpful in improving skin health.

Q: When to drink beetroot juice?

A: Beetroot juice plays an important role in opening capillaries and increases the flow of oxygen in the body, making you feel more active and energetic. It is advised to drink beetroot juice in the morning to wake up drowsy organs.

Q: Who should avoid beetroot?

A: Anyone who has low blood pressure or is presently taking high blood pressure medications must talk to a healthcare specialist prior to including beetroot or beet juice in their diet plan. Beetroot consists of high levels of oxalates, which can cause kidney stones in individuals at high risk of the illness.

Q: What do beets do to the body?

A: Beetroot is high in fiber, folic acid (vitamin B9), manganese, iron, vitamin, and potassium C, among other nutrients. Beetroot and beetroot juice have actually been linked to a number of health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, enhanced blood flow, and increased workout capability.

Q: What is the healthiest way to cook beets?

A: Steamed beets are a healthy cooking technique, as beets maintain the majority of the minerals and vitamins – they don’t boil in water – and stay extremely full of nutrients. Plus, for dinner, a little beet or quarter beet is easy and fast.

Q: Is beetroot good for the skin?

A: Because beets are high in vitamin C, some believe they are suitable for the skin, even recommending that they can be helpful to protect against wrinkles. According to research studies, vitamin C has a beneficial impact on skin cells.

Q: Is beetroot helpful for the liver?

A: Antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, and iron are all discovered in beetroot juice. These substances assist in safeguarding the liver from swelling and oxidative stress and increase its ability to remove contaminants from the body, as we have referenced in Liver Support Plus supplement.

Q: Can we take in beetroot on empty stomachs?

A: Usage of the beetroot vegetable on an empty stomach will help absorb all the important nutrients present in these raw juices. It likewise runs as an extraordinary diuretic which will, in turn, assist in weight loss.

Q: Is it much better to cook beets?

A: The technique to effectively cooking beetroot is to soften it by focusing on its sweet flavor. Baked beets can trigger something comparable to scraping. Preparing them produces something close to mushy mushrooms.

Q: Does beet cause blood to increase?

A: Beetroot is among the best ways to increase hemoglobin levels. It is made up of high levels of iron and folic acid, with fiber and potassium. Consume beetroot juice daily to ensure hale and hearty blood delivery.

Q: Does beetroot detoxify the body?

A: Beetroot promotes the cleansing of the entire body and strengthens the body’s immune system. Beetroot extract is helpful in eliminating free radicals from your body’s cells. Research studies have revealed that beetroot is one of the most potent antioxidant beverages of all vegetables and fruit juices.

Q: Should beets be peeled before cooking?

A: While some people peel the beets (and, to be truthful, they are a little unclean), you don’t have to do this before cooking. When the skin is cooked, stir instantly. If the beets are large, cut them in half or quarters to cook quicker.

Q: Does beet darken the skin?

A: Beetroot consists of vitamin C, which protects against skin coloring, and for that reason, provides more beautiful skin. Beetroot is likewise high in iron, phosphorus, and proteins, all of which contribute to healthy skin. Drinking juice is an alternative due to the fact that it removes toxins from the blood and body.

Q: Can we leave beets on our face overnight?

A: If you wish to increase your light skin quickly, attempt this suggestion. Mix one tablespoon of beet juice with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Then, apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Before going to sleep, wash off with cold water.

Q: Do beets cause skin glowing?

A: Beetroot juice works excellent to clean the blood, which is vital to keeping your skin glowing and healthy. Beetroot is likewise high in vitamin C, which aids in getting rid of blemishes and the policy of skin tone, enunciating your natural radiance.

Q: Does cooking beets remove their nutrients?

A: When cooking beet, you tend to decrease the content of protein and other nutrients, such as vitamin C, due to the fact that they are sensitive to heat and high temperatures. To keep the nutrients, boil the beets for less than fifteen minutes or warm at low temperatures for about an hour.

Final Verdict

Beetroot is a versatile and enjoyable vegetable that you can easily add to your favourite diet. It is very important to choose beets that are big in size with their green tops still attached. Hopefully, with the tips in this article, you would be excited to visit your local market to buy some beets and make something great out of them. Indeed, beetroot really deserves a place in our kitchens.

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6 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Beta vulgaris (Leaf Beet Group):
[2] What Are Free Radicals?:
[3] Wolever TM. The glycemic index. World Rev Nutr Diet. 1990;62:120-85. PMID: 2180214.
[4] FODMAP Diet: What You Need to Know:
[5] Imen Belhadj Slimen, Taha Najar, and Manef Abderrabba . Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Betalains. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017, 65 (4) , 675-689.
[6] Diet Do’s and Don’ts to Prevent Kidney Stones:

Sara Barsky-Weiss, RDN

Sara Barsky-Weiss, RDN, is a registered dietitian nutritionist in the NYC area. Sara is a newly certified RDN and is excited to begin h