In This Article
The reproductive system is defined as a collection or organs and genitalia whose primary purpose is to create new life. The female reproductive system is more complex than a man’s, and primarily includes the uterus, ovaries, and the vagina.
A man’s reproductive system includes the prostate gland which helps to produce the seminal fluid, and his penis, testicles, and scrotum. While this alone seems astonishing enough
11 Surprising Facts about the Reproductive System
Here are some surprising facts about the human reproductive system.
#11. The Human Reproductive System Contains Both The Largest and Smallest Cells in The Body
While there are an amazing amount of cells in the human body of different sizes, only the reproductive system contains both the largest human cells and the smallest. The smallest cell is produced by men. Their small sperm is only 5 x3 micrometers in size, excluding the sperm’s tail.
On the other side, the female reproductive system produces the largest cell, with the egg. The size of the egg is roughly 120 micrometers in diameter. These are in comparison to a human red blood cell, which is 8 micrometers in size.
#10. The Average Male Penis is Less that 6 Inches in Size
While the size of a man’s penis varies greatly from individual men, the average size of his penis measures roughly 5.6″, in its erect state. On the other hand, the smallest penis was 1.6″ and the longest measured in at 10.2″.
#9. The Vagina and Tomatoes are Both Acidic
Most women probably do not want their vaginas compared to a tomato, but their acidic levels are extremely similar at 4.5.
The reason for the high acidity level in a woman’s vagina is simple, it is the only environment certain beneficial bacteria can thrive in. This bacteria is what helps to regulate a woman’s vaginal PH level and keep her healthy.
#8. Men Have More Gametes Than Women
During a woman’s lifetime, she will only ovulate 300 to 400 of the 1-2 million eggs she was initially born with. On the other side, men will produce over 500 billion sperm in their lifetimes. Far more gametes than any woman is ever born with.
#7. The Ancient Egyptians were Using Contraceptives.
Contraceptives are not new, in fact they have been helping to prevent unwanted pregnancies for more than 4,000 years. In a recently discovered papyrus, scientists have learned that the ancient Egyptians were well aware of how babies were made, and had their methods of preventing it. Honey and crocodile dung were two of the favorite methods.
#6. One Term was used to Describe Both Male and Female Reproductive Organs.
A Greek physician named Galen of Pergamon decided that male and female organs simply mirrored each other. A woman’s vagina was an inverted penis, and so on. It was not until the 17th century that physicians began using separate terms for a woman’s reproductive organs.
#5. Infertility is not a Rare Problem.
While it is important to note that infertility is not on the rise, according to Current Genetic Medicine Reports, one in every six couples has difficulty becoming pregnant. A couple is considered infertile if they have been consistently trying to become pregnant for more than one year, without success [1].
#4. Some Animals do not Have Reproductive Systems Similar to Ours
It is true that some mammals have similar reproductive systems, this is not always the case. Kangaroos have three vaginas. One is used as a birth canal, and the other two are for the male kangaroo’s two penis’. Birds do not have either a penis or a vagina. Instead, both male and females have a cloaca.
#3. Some Women are Born with two Uteruses
This is not common, but it is not incredibly rare either. The Mayo Clinic says this double uterus condition can affect up to 1 in every 2000 women. It occurs during development when the uterus begins as two small tubes. When these tubes do not connect all of the way, two uteruses can develop.
#2. It was Once Common to be Castrated to Preserve a Singing Voice
During the 17th and 18th centuries, parents of young boys in Italy were having their sons testicles removed. The testes are responsible for producing hormones in men, including testosterone. When the testosterone is not produced, boys will not go through puberty, which normally includes a deepening of the voice.
#1. Men with Higher Pitched Voices May Have More Sperm
In recently released studies, it was determined that men with higher pitched voices have a higher sperm count. While women may find a deeper voice more attractive, there is a good chance his sperm count will be below his higher pitched friend [2].
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[1] The Genetics of Infertility: Current Status of the Field:[2] Low Pitched Voices Are Perceived as Masculine and Attractive but Do They Predict Semen Quality in Men?: