In This Article
The best way to treat heart problems is to be proactive and prevent them through lifestyle and dietary changes.Some of us are certainly predisposed to have heart disease due to family history, but there are foods and lifestyle behaviours that can help decrease your risk of developing heart disease.

I suggest going back to the basics and focusing on foods that were only available before packaged foods existed, these are the best foods. If you were going to put a label on this type of diet, it would probably fall under the Paleo diet or the primal lifestyle.
The reason people have so much success with these programmes is that our bodies were not intended to ingest harmful chemicals, dyes, and preservatives now found in our foods. Also, processed foods or foods from commercial farming methods are undesirable, since both contain unwanted chemicals.
Removing the chemicals from your diet helps naturally detoxify your organs, reduce inflammation, and improve the integrity and function of your gut lining.
Some of the recommended foods listed below may not match up with traditional heart-healthy guidelines suggested in a conventional clinical setting such as a hospital.

Healthy Food to Prevent Heart Disease
It is important to be open to new and upcoming research and studies that have different results and guidelines from the outdated guidelines we were once taught based on outdated research and faulty studies.
There is an abundance of research proving that low-fat diets are not the best practise for preventing or treating heart disease, yet doctors and other health professionals are still suggesting it to people. In fact, the quality of foods and the overall pureness of the foods we consume are far more important than their fat content.
Heart-healthy fats found in grass-fed beef, olive oil, wild-caught salmon, avocados, raw nuts, and even eggs have been linked to reduced inflammation, increased vitality and longevity, and lowered risk of chronic diseases like heart disease.
Processed cereals and other processed foods that claim to be heart healthy may in fact increase the risk for heart disease due to their effects on insulin levels, inflammation, and overall weight management.
Food That Prevents Heart Disease
1. Kale – Is classified as a dark leafy vegetable. It is a rich source of fiber contains several essential nutrients such as calcium vitamin K and vitamin C, which promotes healthy arteries. Due to its antioxidant profile it also reduces risk for cancer. Kale can be consumed several different ways raw, steamed or even sautéed.
2. Beets – Have become more popular with the juicing craze that we have adopted over the past few years. They reduce heart disease risk and help keep blood pressure levels within normal limits because they contain antioxidants, which open up the blood vessels to improve overall blood, flow throughout the body.[1] Beets also contain amino acid‘s that have been linked to improving symptoms of dementia or even dementia risk. Beets can be consumed raw or cooked with the same nutritional benefits. Try to get organic beets when possible because they are typically genetically modified and the organic beets contain a higher quality nutrient profile.
3. Wild Caught Salmon – is commonly known for its heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The same omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in anchovies and sardines. The two critical omega-3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA, which both reduce the risk of heart disease while improving the overall condition of the heart. Due to the anti-inflammatory benefits of both EPA and DHA, they also reduce depression, dementia risk, and arthritis.
4. Avocados – Avocados are a fabulous source of fiber; almost half of your daily recommended value can be found in a regularly sized avocado. Fiber binds to the bile acids, reducing cholesterol buildup. They also contain vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can help reduce the damage caused by harmful free radicals in the body. The magnesium and potassium found in avocados also help the heart pump blood efficiently and improve the nerves and overall function of the kidneys.
5. Olive Oil – It is a very common oil found in most households and is popular on the Mediterranean diet, which is linked to reducing heart disease. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats and is an anti-inflammatory oil that helps reduce high blood pressure. Adding it to salads, with fresh herbs is the best way to maintain the integrity of the oil without overheating it due to its low temperature tolerance.

Reduce Heart Disease Naturally
6. Eggs – Are hearts actually healthy? We have been misinformed that they are not due to their containing a higher amount of cholesterol, but cholesterol is not what actually causes heart attacks. Eggs actually raise the HDL, which is also referred to as “healthy cholesterol levels.” HDL helps clean up the arteries and bring down the LDL cholesterol levels, which is referred to as the lousy cholesterol.[2]
7. Raw Nuts and Seeds – Such foods as almonds have been linked to reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke. They are high in the antioxidant vitamin E, which is heart protective and healthy. The high-fat content of nuts and seeds keeps us feeling satisfied for a longer period of time, reducing our urge to snack on processed carbohydrates or sugar.
Some of the items I have mentioned below may contradict conventional dietary advice when it comes to treating or preventing heart disease.
We now know that fat does not cause heart disease; it is inflammation that causes heart disease. Most of these anti-inflammatory foods contain fats that actually help prevent heart disease.
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[2] Egg and healthy cholesterol :