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When choosing your meat, you are probably extremely careful. People insist on eating grass-fed beef for a good reason: it is healthier and filled with more nutrients our bodies can use.
The question is: does the same apply to grass-fed butter?

Is Grass Fed Butter Really Good For You?
Why Grass Fed Butter Is Better?

The logic would say yes—eating the grass-fed version is like upgrading the essential butter to the next level. Let’s take an in-depth look at why you should seriously consider switching to the grass-fed variant.

Grass Fed Butter Versus Regular Butter

Unfortunately, we are witnesses to maltreating cows throughout the entire world.

Just like humans, these animals’ health depends on their nutrition. If they eat grains and are injected with antibiotics and hormones, it is only natural that they become weak and malnourished.

This also affects the quality of the dairy products they are used for, including butter.

Now, imagine if you let cows be on their natural way of nutrition – grass. This is a surefire way to optimise the health of the animal and, as a result, receive milk that will contain more nutrients and healthy fats while remaining free of toxins. This answers the question of why grass-fed butter is better than regular butter.

Before we continue, let’s mention that you can also use organic ghee.

This is an acceptable alternative if you have digestive issues when eating dairy or are intolerant to lactose.

Ghee is butterfat, which means you can safely consume it, and it is particularly suitable for cooking at high temperatures.

Now that we know the difference, let’s take a look at the health benefits of organic, grass-fed butter.

Health Benefits Of Grass-fed Butter

Here are the potential grass fed butter benefits.

1. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

If you are having problems memorising the name of this compound, it is perfectly fine to say “CLA” as long as you remember its benefits.

CLA is a form of fatty acid that has anticancer properties[1] and can help to strengthen your bones. It also helps to build your muscles and support their strength rather than allowing fat to accumulate.

Finally, the anti-inflammatory traits of CLA will help with any inflammation in your body.

It can reduce the risk and symptoms of chronic conditions like arthritis and prostatitis.

It is vital to mention that organic butter has about five times more CLA than regular butter from cows fed with grains.

2. Fights inflammation with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If you have ever had a wish to learn a thing or two about healthy nutrition, you have probably heard about Omega-3s and their importance. You might also know that fatty fish is an important source of Omega-3s, and that is true. However, did you know that organic butter can also secure a significant quantity of EPA and DHA for your body?

Omega-3s have multiple ways of boosting your health. They participate in building cell membranes and also have anti-inflammatory characteristics.[2].

As such, they boost and prevent both brain and heart health and support the body’s natural inflammatory response against arthritis and other conditions.

3. Butyrate

Butyrate is another component of organic butter that falls into the category of fatty acids.

It is known to boost metabolism, which can assist you in getting rid of those extra pounds you have been carrying for a while.

When it comes to potential benefits, butyrate enhances sensitivity to insulin[3], optimizes blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and accelerates fat burning.

By stimulating the activity of mitochondria, it can also help you convert ingested and stored fats into fuel necessary for the optimal function of your body.

Additionally, it also supports gut balance and works on fighting inflammation.

4. Promote Heart Health

This may sound a bit surprising since butter is considered a fat and people have been talking nonsense about the damaging effects of fats for a long time now.

The truth is that, like any other type of food, there are healthy and unhealthy fats.

When it comes to organic butter, it has a generous amount of good cholesterol as well as antioxidants.

These are primarily vitamins, such as E, D, A, and K2, but also selenium, lecithin, and iodine.

The experts confirmed in several studies that consuming dairy fat can decrease the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

5. Supports Eye Health and Vision

Supports Eye Health

Grass Fed Butter Health Benefits

Did you know why organic butter has that specific yellow color that borders with golden?

It has to thank beta-carotene for this vivid color, and this compound is available in such generous quantities thanks to the grass-based nutrition of the cows.

It has been confirmed that lutein and beta-carotene levels are enhanced with proper cow nutrition.

As for beta-carotene, once it gets into your body, it gets converted into vitamin A. This nutrient is essential for eye health and vision, and it is included in numerous health supplements. It also boosts immunity and strengthens bones.

We also mentioned lutein because this nutrient has protective properties that can keep your eyes safe from UV rays and blue light.


These are the main reasons why you should include organic butter in your diet. If you already switched to the healthy, grass-fed option, we hope that this has reminded you and refreshed your knowledge of why organic butter is always a better choice than the regular one.

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Chloe Davis, MS, RD, LDN, CSN

Chloe Davis, MS, RD, LDN, CSN is a New England-based Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and owner of NutriTrain, LLC. Chloe completed he