How Nutrition, Hydration, Inflammation & Body Flora Affect Autism?

Written by - Reviewed by Consumer Health Digest Team

Published: Mar 12, 2018 | Last Updated: Aug 3, 2019

Body Flora Affect Autism
Autism is defined as a mental condition, apparent from early childhood, recognized by difficulty in communication and relationship development with others specifically verbal and conceptual thoughts.

Symptoms and/or concerns of Autism include:

  • A noticeable delay in verbal communication.
  • Consistent body movements like rocking.
  • Inferior intelligence, but superior intelligence in specific subjects like math or art.
  • In teen years, depression and anxiety can develop. Some may also have seizures disorders.

Inflammation response genes perpetually switched on in autistic brains

Inflammation effects Autism in many ways, one of them being the insulin mechanism. Excess inflammation can cause carbohydrate and sugar cravings, leading to poor insulin regulation thus stimulating the opiate receptors in the brain and triggering addictive behaviors along with detrimental health consequences. Research has shown excessive sugar consumption especially from processed sources like corn syrup can amplify negative autistic behaviors.

Brain Gut Connection and Autism

An Arizona State University research team has found a relationship between the development of autism and the microflora/bacteria in our guts.

  • Reducing the unnecessary use of antibiotics, which has been shown to disrupt the gut’s microflora (bacterial population) balance.
  • Supplementing with healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics will help the several children living with autism who suffer with gastrointestinal symptoms. Poor digestion contributes to malnutrition and food intolerance.

Probiotics Foods

This nutrition plan will help reduce inflammation while nourishing the brain with optimal nutrients.

  • It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Low in processed sugar.
  • Optimal high quality proteins.
  • Dye free and chemical pure whole foods are recommended as much as possible.

This plan incorporates:

  • Healthy fats
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber and optimal macro nutrient breakdowns
  • This plan will help optimize gut flora balance, and brain function.

Specific foods that can help fight inflammation include:

  • Hydroxide rich alkaline water
  • Heart healthy nuts
  • Nut butters and seeds like walnuts, pumpkins seeds
  • Heart healthy oils like coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil
  • Antioxidant rich produce, including berries and dark leafy greens.

Lifestyle/Environmental Impact

There are specific lifestyle behaviors that will increase or decrease Autism symptoms. These behaviors include nutrition, infections, exposure to toxins and substance abuse (during pregnancy).

It is important for pregnant women to be proactive by following a healthy diet plan, maintaining a healthy weight, while reducing exposure to toxins to protect their babies. These healthy behaviors will help prevent the onset of gestational diabetes. Elevated insulin levels require more oxygen use, which could result in depleted oxygen supply for the fetus and fetal iron deficiency. Both conditions can negatively affect brain development.

Autism Info

Nutrition Plan for Autism

  • Increase the consumption of brain foods including heart healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, nut butters, and avocado.
  • Avoid Gluten and dairy containing foods. Gluten (found in wheat, bread, pasta, pastries, crackers) (8) and casein (found in dairy) (9) are two proteins that are common food allergies and cause gastrointestinal stress.

Research shows that gluten and dairy can cause problems for those with autism by triggering an inflammatory immune response.

Food chemicals are not new, but in the past, people were only exposed to small amounts. Unfortunately, today’s population is exposed to harmful food chemicals every day resulting in inflammation and metabolism disruption.

In order to minimize the number of chemicals you consume, be sure to purchase quality, all-natural, additive-free beef, poultry, seafood and produce.

As mentioned before consuming foods that will reduce inflammation including a Hydroxide rich Alkaline water, raw fatty nuts, nut butters and seeds, avocados, dark berries, leafy greens and fatty fish like wild-caught salmon. While eliminating artificial (synthetic) coloring and dyes, (synthetic) flavoring, artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame, saccharin, sucralose), Stevia leaf extract is fine to use as a safe sweetener in moderation, also avoid artificial (synthetic) preservatives BHA, BHT, TBHQ, MSG (also hidden as Yeast Extract).

The addition of omega-3 fatty acids from both flax and seafood sources to the diet may be important. Research has proved that modifying the diet of those with Autism can greatly help control the symptoms while improving quality of life.

Foods to Include in Daily Nutrition

  • Probiotic rich foods like kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut coconut kefir, miso, tempeh.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids from walnuts, wild caught salmon, avocados.
  • Foods to Avoid: coffee, sport drinks/juice, candy, dairy and gluten.

Proper Hydration through Hydroxide Rich Water for Treating Autism and Inflammation

Acidity and inflammation go hand in hand. By chemical definition, acidity is a problem of too much hydrogen (H+). Too much acidity in the body can stem from diet, disease, exercise, and other lifestyle factors. It is generally recognized that excess acidity in the body creates inflammation which leads to other disease conditions. Acidity causes a lack of oxygen and a lower pH condition in which pathogens flourish.

Hydroxide (OH’) is a natural hydrogen hunter that does not merely buffer the body against excess hydrogen but eliminates it by combining with it to form harmless water. That water can then be used for hydration or eliminated through urination. Here is the formula of the elimination reaction: OH’ + H+ = H2O.

Most alkaline waters attempt to help the body buffer acidity by providing alkaline minerals. But this does not address the underlying problem of excess hydrogen and instead only helps the body maintain pH balance. Potential hydrogen (pH) balance helps the body but it does not fix the issue. The main goal of most alkaline waters is pH balance but this misses the point.

Water-rich in hydroxide seeks to eliminate acidity by eliminating the excess hydrogen. Most alkaline waters contain some hydroxide if they claim either to contain negative ions or have gone through ionization. The problem is most alkaline waters rely more on alkaline minerals to buffer the excess hydrogen than they use the hydroxide to eliminate hydrogen. This is why it is imperative to find a hydroxide rich water because elimination is far more effective in restoring balance to the body than mere buffering.

Hydroxide Rich Water

Benefits of a Hydroxide Rich Water