Michael Jessimy

Writer, Author & Researcher

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  • University of Guyana: Associate's degree, Pharmacy


  • Self-Employed
  • Writer At Consumerhealthdigest.com
  • Naturally Alpha: Owner


Michael Jessimy is a qualified Pharmacist with over 10 years of experience dealing with a range of both prescription and alternative remedies.

Michael Jessimy graduated from the University of Guyana in 2008. Ever since then he has been employed at Mike's Pharmacy, one of the biggest retail chain pharmacies in his country, as Head Pharmacist. He was also the winner of Guyana's annual Spelling Bee competition, held in 1999. Michael currently resides in Guyana, South America.

He is also an amateur heavyweight bodybuilder and loves spending his spare time hitting the gym.

He strives to help others build the best body possible through fitness, health, and nutrition consultation and has several published books Amazon.com and www.goodreads.com under his name. read his articles on www.naturalfoodseries.com.

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