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Let’s be honest. When the time comes to lose weight, we go to our trusty friend Google, the self-help section of the bookstore, or on Instagram for the fastest weight loss program, supplement, or diet. Increase fruits and vegetables, check. Increase exercise, check. Low carb, check. Low fat, check. Am I right?

How Your Gut Bacteria Can Jumble with Your Weight?
Gut Bacteria for Weight Loss

So, if there is so much information and “best ways” to lose weight, then why is it so hard to actually shed those pounds? Maybe it is because the key to success in weight loss is missing. Maybe there is one part of your body you are likely neglecting to improve and possibly don’t even know it needs improving– your gut. That’s right– losing weight has more to do with your gut than starving yourself or following the latest trendy diet. Gut Bacteria is the main option of improving your gut.

What is the Microbiome?

The microbiome is an ecosystem found inside the gut, which holds trillions of microorganisms. Each person’s microbiome makeup is unique, just like your fingerprint.

Scientists have discovered a link between these bacteria and chronic illnesses, such as autism, depression, asthma, cancer, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and even obesity. They have even gone so far as to call the gut our “second brain”. Having an imbalanced gut microbes is more than just bloating or upset stomach; it is connected to your entire body and affects everything.

Inside the microbiome, there are good and bad bugs or bacteria. Every time we add harmful substances and food products into the gut, the “bad” bacteria count grows, leaving an imbalance between the “good” and “bad” bacteria. To keep a healthy balance, you need to consume more of the good bacteria and less of the bad bacteria.

How Do I Change My Gut Bacteris?

There are good bacteria and bad bacteria, and their composition and number in the body largely depend on the meals we take. To change gut microbes, simply replace processed foods with natural nighttime supplements, take probiotic supplements, eat healthy fats, get enough rest, and exercise to lose weight.

Check out the NJ Diet program review; which is a good alternative to weight loss supplements.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

How Do Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

Probiotics play a significant role in improving gut health for weight loss. They help by enhancing digestion and metabolism, which converts fat into energy, assists in appetite suppression by making the user to feel fuller and energetic and also by regulating sugars or insulin levels in the blood.

How Does My Gut Affect My Weight?

Research has shown that there exist a relationship between gut bacteria and diet. Regarding obesity, these bad bugs introduce toxins called lipopolysaccharides (LPS) into the gut and cause an imbalance if you are not also consuming anti-inflammatory food products or good bug. [1]

In fact, bad gut microbes can wreak havoc on your gut and affect the following:

  • Inefficient use of the energy from food
  • Inflammation levels, which can cause weight gain and other health issues
  • Feeling hungry or full
  • Metabolism and Insulin resistance

So how can we create a diverse gut bacteria weight loss to assist in shedding those excess pounds?

Here are a few ways:

Tips To Having A Healthy Gut and Smaller Waist

1. Swap Processed Foods For Natural Foods

swap processed foods

Swap Processed Foods For Natural Foods

Seriously, cut them out! You won’t miss them. Eliminate refined sugar and flour from your diet, and increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, and grains you eat throughout the day. Doing this will increase your intake of fiber, which promotes gut health and supports healthy foods for weight loss.

Additionally, the type of gut bacteria diet – the food you put into your body is the type of bacteria you are feeding. Processed food feeds the bad bugs and fruits, veggies, and lean meat feed the good bugs.

One easy way to keep yourself accountable is only shopping around the edges of the supermarket, where the fresh meat, vegetables, and fruit are kept. Staying away from the center aisles of the supermarket will avoid any temptation you may have when you lock eyes with your favorite processed snacks. Eventually, you will have discovered the good thing between the gut bacteria and diet- as the less you eat processed foods, the less you crave them and the more you desire to eat whole, healthy foods, and for sure you are assured of having good gut bacteria weight loss.

2. Eat Healthy Fats

Omega 3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids help reduce inflammation. To incorporate this into your diet, you should consume foods like avocado, salmon and olive oil. If you don’t prefer fish, then a fish oil supplement is an excellent alternative. This will give you good gut bacteria diet, thus assisting in weight loss.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

3. Add Probiotics To Your Routine

You need to consume good bacteria to help balance your microbiome and offset the amount of bad bacteria in your gut. This is especially important if you are taking antibiotics, which get rid of both good and bad bacteria in the gut in order to eliminate a gut bacterial infection. To maximize the effect of probiotics, make sure you take them at least 2 hours before or after you take the antibiotic.

The most effective way to ensure you are getting a large amount of good gut bacteria diet or a large amount of good bacteria, I suggest taking a probiotic supplement with a high number of bacteria present. To naturally consume probiotics in your diet, you can start by eating fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt, and kimchi.

4. Get Moving

Your gut microbe benefits from exercise, just like you do. Akkermansiaceae is bacteria found in athletes, specifically a bacterium that is linked to lower obesity. So start moving by doing your favorite form of exercise, whether that is a walk with a friend, running, yoga, Crossfit, or any other activity. Just get moving! Try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

5. Enough With The Hand Sanitizer, Already

We have good bacteria present on our skin and are killed off the second we apply hand sanitizer to our hands. When these good bugs are no longer in our body, you are more prone to illness and an imbalanced microbiome.

enough with the hand sanitizer

Enough With The Hand Sanitizer

6. Get Your Beauty Sleep

You should be getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, consistently. Several studies have shown that as little as two consecutive nights of sleep result in a drastic change in diversity in the microbiome. [2]

Even fragmented sleep throughout the night can lead to higher levels of inflammation, insulin resistance, and metabolic health problems.

To help get good quality sleep, create a sleep routine and stick to it. Keep electronics out of the bedroom and away from your eyes, for at least 2 hours prior to bedtime. Listen to soothing music or read a book in the hour before bedtime.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Final Verdict

Losing weight involves more than just a healthy diet and exercise. The Gut Bacteria also plays a large role in the weight loss process and if your gut health is subpar, you may have trouble losing those pounds. Taking care to add healthy bacteria to your diet can help restore balance to the microbiome.

This may be entirely new information for you, golden nuggets of hope in losing weight once and for all. If this seems overwhelming for you, take it one step at a time and practice one tip before moving on to the next. These simple lifestyle and dietary changes can greatly improve your gut microbiome, lower inflammation levels in the body, and finally, allow you to lose the weight.

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2 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Clarke SF, Murphy EF, Nilaweera K, et al. The gut microbiota and its relationship to diet and obesity: new insights. Gut Microbes. 2012;3(3):186-202. doi:10.4161/gmic.20168
[2] Smith RP, Easson C, Lyle SM, et al. Gut microbiome diversity is associated with sleep physiology in humans. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0222394. Published 2019 Oct 7. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0222394
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Holly Campbell

Holly Campbell is the founder and author of Colitiscope Nutrition, where she offers readers fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle tips for