An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a condition in which the prostate gland grows bigger than its normal size. The prostate gland is a small gland that produces some of the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation and surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine passes out of the body.

What are the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for Prostate Enlargement?

“Prostate health is important for quality of life as men age. Regular checkups with a doctor and screening tests like a PSA blood test and digital rectal exam can help detect any issues early.” – Dr. Mark Litwin, Chair of Urology at UCLA School of Medicine

The treatment options for an enlarged prostate depend on how bad the symptoms are and how much they bother you.

So, here’s the low down guys, it’s time to talk about your prostate. There are several symptoms that can indicate a problem. And not to fear, there are treatment options available too, including exercises and techniques you can do yourself.

The most important thing to remember is that the prostate enlargement treatment has to be started as early as it is possible. The enlarged prostate treatment is meant to improve the health of this essential gland; once you notice the enlarged prostate symptoms, be sure to contact your physician and discuss them in detail. Based on the symptoms of enlarged prostate, the physician will be able to recommend the best course of treatment.

Let’s first talk about symptoms:

The major symptoms of enlarged prostate include:

  • Dribbling at the end of urinating – You know what this means if you’re suffering from this very common symptom of BPH, short for benign prostatic hyperplasia. This does not mean you have cancer, though it does probably indicate an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra which can cause urine to collect in the upper part of the ‘tube’, furthering your urine flow as you relax, even when your bladder is empty.
  • Inability to urinate (urinary retention) –Inability to completely empty the bladder known as ischuria in the medical community. It is a common complication of BPH, though it can also be caused by something minor like constipation to something more major as nerve dysfunction.
  • Incontinence – the quality or state of being incontinent. This is the inability to control the evacuative functions of urination (or defecation).
  • Needing to urinate two or more times per night – This is caused by pressure on the urethra from the enlarged prostate and can cause problems with nerve signaling. The result is waking frequently to urinate, even while there may be very little liquid to void as the amount of urine your body produces decreases at night.
  • Slowed or delayed start of the urinary stream – over time, urinary hesitancy can become a progressive problem with BPH. This all stems, again, from the enlarged prostate pressing up against the urethra. Subsequently, it becomes increasingly more difficult to begin urination. It can take longer to build sufficient pressure for urine to pass this restriction.

Eventually, this can lead to urinary retention (discussed above), in which you become unable to urinate. The bladder swells and becomes painful. This can be a medical emergency due to the potential damage to your kidneys.

  • Straining to urinate – If you’re finding that you are forced to strain or push the pelvic or abdominal muscles to start urine flow, you may be in trouble. This is where you should note the importance of kegel exercises – something you should be performing daily, several times per day so as to keep your pelvic muscles strong. Don’t push. You could damage the pelvic muscles
  • Strong and Sudden urge to urinate – This is a common problem associated with BPH. It’s definitely time to talk to your doctor at this point as a ‘spastic bladder’ can potentially be a symptom of urinary tract infection or even diabetes.
  • Weak urine stream -BPH is also known to cause a weak urinary stream. You may find yourself spending a very long time trying to urinate.
  • What causes the prostate to enlarge? This occurs when prostate glands grow uncontrollably leading to the blockage in the urethra.

    Enlargement Prostate

    What causes the prostate to enlarge?

    The natural aging process is one of the main reasons for an enlarged prostate. While the exact cause is still unknown, researchers have identified some other factors that may contribute to the problem.

    The underlying causes of enlarged prostate (BPH) are still not fully clear, but it mainly affects older men. Doctors have noted that BPH does not happen in men who had their testicles removed before puberty. This leads some experts to believe that factors related to aging and the testes may cause BPH to develop.

    “An enlarged prostate is very common in aging men. The prostate is an organ that depends on male hormones, so changes in hormone levels as men get older can cause non-cancerous growth of prostate tissue and lead to urinary symptoms.” – Dr. Manish Vira, Urologist at Houston Methodist Hospital.

    Men naturally produce the male hormone testosterone and, to a lesser extent, the female hormone estrogen their whole lives. As men get older, the active testosterone in their bloodstream decreases. This results in estrogen levels being relatively higher. Studies suggest that BPH may occur because of this increased ratio of estrogen. Estrogen may activate substances that stimulate the growth of prostate cells.

    Another hypothesis focuses on dihydrotestosterone (DHT), another important male hormone for prostate development and enlargement. Studies have shown that older men may have lower testosterone levels in their blood but higher DHT levels inside the prostate. This high DHT level may be why prostate cells keep growing. Doctors have also observed that men unable to produce DHT do not seem to develop BPH.

    As for treatment options –

    Treatment for prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as an enlarged prostate, can vary based on the severity of symptoms and the patient’s overall health. But you can follow the following points to take care of your prostate health.

    Lifestyle Changes:
    For men with mild symptoms, the first line of treatment may involve making lifestyle adjustments. These can include Dietary Modifications like Reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, which can irritate the bladder and worsen symptoms. Fluid Management by Limiting fluid intake in the evening to reduce nighttime urination. Physical Activity like Engaging in regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight, as obesity can worsen BPH symptoms. And Pelvic Floor Exercises for Strengthening pelvic muscles can help manage BPH symptoms.

    Our body need good and nutritional diet to balance everything happening inside our body. But nowadays, healthy food has become a myth due to the hectic lifestyle. In such cases you can use a prostate supplement such as Prosta Strong which works against prostate enlargement and frequent urination thus improving prostate health.

    For severe BPH or when other treatments fail, surgery might be necessary. Common surgical options include:
    Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): The most common surgery for BPH, where prostate tissue is removed through the urethra.

    Open Prostatectomy:
    Removal of the prostate gland through an incision in the lower abdomen, typically used when the prostate is very large.

    Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP):
    A laser is used to cut and remove the excess prostate tissue.

    The choice of treatment is tailored to each individual, taking into account the size of the prostate, age, health status, and the severity of symptoms. It’s essential for patients to discuss the potential benefits and risks of each treatment option with their healthcare provider to make an informed decision.

    Finally, if the symptoms persist and you’re not recovering with exercise or medications, it may be recommended that you have surgery. Enlarged prostate treatment involves transurethral resection of the prostate which greatly reduces the symptoms. This is always a last resort but is recommended if you are experiencing chronic symptoms of the following:

    • Incontinence
    • Recurrent blood in the urine
    • Inability to fully empty the bladder
    • Recurrent urinary tract infections
    • Decreasing kidney function
    • Bladder stones
    Prostatic Hyperplasia

    What’s stopping you, guys? It’s time to get on the train and step up your game. Prostate problems can be embarrassing and difficult to discuss but it’s important to have the conversation with your doctor. Even as the cause of prostate cancer is not fully understood, these symptoms could be an indicator so don’t risk your health. In case you experience unusual changes in your body or you detect changes related to enlarged prostate symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek medical assistance.


    An enlarged prostate occurs when prostate cells grow uncontrollably leading to increased size of prostate glands. This blocks the flow of urine through the urethra leading to urinary complications. However, this problem can be addressed permanently through undergoing prostate enlargement treatment that involves various remedies. To maintain your prostate health we would like to introduce you with a good product, named as Urinozinc Prostate Plus. Get more information by Urinozinc Prostate Plus review..

    In case you experience such kind of changes in your body, seek medical help. Don’t run when it is too late.

    In conclusion, it is crucial to seek out prostate enlargement treatment and return to an excellent state of health. The enlarged prostate treatment can protect you against discomforting manifestations, not to mention it reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Pay attention to the enlarged prostate symptoms and seek out medical help soon. And, remember, only a specialized physician can recommend the right treatment, based on the symptoms of enlarged prostate.

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