In This Article


At the beginning of pregnancy, your body is working overtime as your tiny foetus develops and grows. The first trimester is full of hormonal ups and downs, and many pregnant women experience challenging symptoms as a result, which can vary from morning sickness to extreme fatigue.

Second Trimester Energy Boost – Everything You Need to Know
Signs Your Pregnancy Is Going Well in the Second Trimester

Once you have reached the second trimester, you will most likely be gifted with an energy boost, a welcome period of time in the three stages that make up the pregnancy journey, where there will be an abundance of energy and a break from the arduous hallmarks of the typical pregnancy.

The second trimester is the period of time between the 13th and 27th weeks of gestation.

Women who are expecting a baby frequently feel much better throughout these weeks; therefore, it is a great time to take advantage of the improvement in their physical well-being.

Pregnancy is both wonderful and difficult at the same time. Embrace it, enjoy it, and revel in the second trimester energy boost.

5 Energy Boost Ways

1. Get into an Exercise Routine

Exercise benefits everyone by virtue of the fact that it improves cardiovascular health and long-term physical mobility. As a pregnant woman, 2nd trimester of pregnancy exercise provides improvements and more.[1]

Get into an Exercise Routine

Does 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy Yoga Work?

If you have always been the type of person to include regular fitness as part of your lifestyle, keep it up.

If you are planning to start a fitness routine for the first time, let your health practitioner know your intentions so they can give you guidance.

  • Exercise will build endurance, which in turn will aid you in the months ahead as you grow larger and require strengthened muscles.
  • Keeping active will help you manage your weight gain and improve your sleep.
  • Your mood swings will become less of a struggle due to the natural lift we get when we feel fit and healthy.
  • Good examples of exercise to take part in are walking, since it is low impact, and yoga, which helps maintain muscle tone. Swimming is the perfect non-weight bearing activity for expectant mothers.
  • Listen to the signals of your body. Discontinue the exercise and contact your doctor if you develop symptoms such as bleeding or cramping, nausea, dizziness, or pain.

2. A Good Time to Travel

The second trimester is an excellent time to travel. Your extreme fatigue and morning sickness are things of the past. The risk of miscarriage is significantly lower, and your body has had time to adjust to the hormone changes.

Mobility is not an issue, and often, sleep has improved. Take advantage of the second trimester energy boost to schedule a getaway before the baby arrives.[2]

  • Let your obstetrician know if you are planning to take an extended vacation.
  • Move around on extensive travel no matter what the model, in order to reduce the risk of varicose veins, thrombosis, and swollen ankles or feet.
  • Keep well hydrated. This will diminish the risk of headache and keep up your energy, as well as help maintain a healthy, active digestive system.
  • If flying, request an aisle seat so getting up to move around is easier.
  • Make sure your travel insurance is up to date.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Leggings are comfortable and can be easily paired with running shoes.

3. Take Some Classes

The second trimester is the perfect time to sign up for prenatal classes. Even though many changes are still taking place, the fetus has now developed all of its organs and systems.

Take Classes

Energy Levels During Pregnancy

The focus is now on growth and weight. There are many advantages to taking classes, and due to the energy boost and overall feeling of well-being, now is the time to get out and attend.

In the third trimester, energy levels may again decrease, increasing the chances of missing a class or two.

  • A very important benefit of taking classes is opening the door to meeting other expectant parents. Making friends who are in the same stage of life can prove invaluable in the early days of parenthood.
  • Ease anxiety about the unknown by learning about labor pain.
  • Get tips and instructions on how to breastfeed.
  • Understand the changes that are taking place in your body, and what to expect from your body after birth.
  • Become knowledgeable about taking care of your newborn.
  • Be aware of postpartum depression signs.

4. Boost Nutritional Intake

Along with the energy boost comes the opportunity to up your nutritional intake. In the first trimester, due to the extreme hormonal fluctuations[3], many pregnant women find it hard to eat or keep food down, as a result of nausea.

Take advantage of your state of well-being in the second trimester to eat abundantly and healthily. Your baby is in an intense period of growth and fueling the body is crucial.

  • Green leafy vegetables, to improve folic acid and iron intake, should be a part of the second-trimester diet, along with fruits, at least 5 times per day.
  • Calcium comes from low-fat dairy products, and is required 3 times daily.
  • Fish such as salmon, are rich in omega 3’s, necessary for baby’s brain development. Consume once a week.
  • Twice a day, eat protein in the form of beans, eggs, tofu or lean meat.
  • The need to feel the baby’s growth is not a reason to overeat. Be guided by your hunger, but choose healthy snacks over refined sugars and excess carbohydrates.

5. What to think about as the Third Trimester Approaches?

The second trimester not only brings a boost to energy levels; there are many other wonderful aspects to this stage. For example, the heartbeat of the baby is often heard at the prenatal visit, which can be a very uplifting experience.

Positive Vibe

Second Trimester of Pregnancy Baby Growth

Getting to appointments is easier due to mobility and energy levels. Partner bonding is simple, owing to the second-trimester phase of feeling better and becoming more active.

Spending time together is very important now in view of the days ahead when the baby becomes front and centre and relationships may feel the strain. Health issues to watch out for as the second-trimester ends are:

  • severe leg cramps
  • bleeding
  • swelling of any body part
  • dizziness
  • rapid weight gain[4]
  • Unrelenting headaches.

Always report any health concerns to your obstetrician immediately.

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Eirene Heidelberger, B.S

Eirene Heidelberger is a nationally-renowned parenting expert and founder of GIT Mom (Get It Together, Mom!). Through GIT Mom’s 7-ste