Fuel Your Day with MCT Oil from Coconut Power

Fuel Your Day with MCT Oil from Coconut Power

The health world is always full of buzzwords, words that are all the rage and claim to have the one solution that will keep you healthy and give you the benefits that you are looking for. But one of those buzzwords that goes around and is actually worth all the hype is MCT oil.

MCT oil is a saturated fat that comes from coconut oil. But it is not like the traditional “unhealthy” saturated fats that you are told to stay far away from. This kind is easily digestible thanks to the smaller molecules that are found inside, and it can be turned into energy quickly once you digest it. This will provide you with a lot of amazing health benefits.

But while you may understand that it is a type of fatty acid, do you know what MCT oil (or even MCT oil powder) is used for? We are going to take some time to look at not only the health benefits of MCT oil but also some of the ways that this oil can be used for your health.

MCT Oil: A Must for Better Health

MCT oil is the one nutrient that you need to add to your diet right now. There are a lot of different health benefits to taking in MCT oil. Some of these include:

  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels: One small study examined how those who consumed MCT oil each day saw a reduction in body weight, waist circumference, and blood sugar levels. This is compared to those who took LCTs instead.
  • Supports brain function and clarity: MCT oil helps stimulate the product of ketones, which is an efficient energy source for the brain. Ketones can help support brain health. MCT oil has even shown the ability to support brain health in those of all ages. All this comes together to help support focus, concentration, and clarity.
  • Support Weight Loss Goals: Clinical studies show that consuming MCTs can boost energy expenditure more than LCTs, helping you burn more calories and support weight loss. Since MCTs are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, they’re less likely to be stored as fat.

Easy Steps to Add MCT Oil to Your Routine.

There are different ways that you can use MCT oil to help improve your overall health and make you feel better as well. Some of these include:

Boost Your Health with MCT Oil Supplements

For those who struggle to consume enough MCT, a supplement can be a good option to get this done. Simply stir it into a glass of water, tea, nut milk, or another drink, and then enjoy! Remember that MCT oil and MCT oil powder are a complement to a balanced diet, so adding it to some of your healthy drinks can help improve life too!

Make Your Coffee Stronger with MCT Oil

Energize Your Coffee Routine with MCT Oil

Energize Your Coffee Routine with MCT Oil

If you love to have some coffee in the morning, then adding a bit of MCT oil or powder to that cup each morning can be a simple way to stay healthy. Adding this to the coffee will provide some additional energy and can help you feel fuller. This can be a lifesaver if you are worried about making it to lunch. To add MCT oil to your coffee:

  • Start with your regular black coffee. When it is brewed, place it into a blender.
  • Pour in 1 to 2 teaspoons of MCT oil or the recommended amount of powder.
  • Blend for 20 to 30 seconds to make it nice and creamy.

You do not need to add creamer or anything else to the coffee at this point. The MCT oil can help make the coffee creamy enough on its own, saving you even more calories and additives in the morning.

Blend with Your Favorite Smoothies and Shakes

MCT oil can be a healthy addition to your smoothies and protein shakes as well. You should start out small with this one, just adding a teaspoon of the MCT oil to your regular smoothie or shake recipe.

As your body begins to adjust to the MCT oil and you get a chance to see some of the benefits, then you can slowly increase the serving. Look at the recommendation on the product you are using, but most people can handle one to two tablespoons.

Simple Ways to Add MCT Oil in Your Diet

Upgrade Your Salad with MCT Oil for a Healthier Meal

Upgrade Your Salad with MCT Oil for a Healthier Meal

The options above can be simple ways to add MCT oil or powder to your daily routine, without having to make a lot of changes. However, you can find some great recipes that allow you to use MCT oil. Just remember that when you are cooking with this oil, it does have a lower smoke point, similar to what you would find with flaxseed oil.

This means that you should not use it for stir-frying or pan-frying. But there are other cooking methods where it can shine. For example, you can use MCT oil:

  • As part of a salad dressing that you make at home
  • As the oil you use in desserts rather than processed oils
  • In soups, curries, and broths
  • Drizzled over some of your grilled meats
  • For low to medium-heat cooking

Getting creative is important here. Find ways that you can add just a bit in so that you can enjoy all of the benefits in your tasty meals!

MCT Oil vs. Powder: Which is Right for You?

After looking at all of the benefits and all the different ways you could use MCT oil for your health, you may be ready to run out and purchase some of your own, whether in oil or powder form. But it doesn’t take long to see there are several options on the market to choose from. To make sure you choose the right product:

  • Look for a product derived from coconut oil. Avoid those derived from palm oil.
  • Look for the purity of the oil. You want to look for a mixture of C8 and C10, or just C8 on its own.
  • Purchase from brands that are transparent about their ingredients.
  • Consider which form is the best for you. Powder is better for traveling while oil is better for a smooth texture.
  • A naturally flavored MCT oil powder is often the better choice, as it blends effortlessly with a wider range of items compared to traditional MCT oil. Gundry MD MCT Wellness provides a convenient, smooth boost of energy that easily blends into your coffee or smoothie.

Always follow the instructions when starting MCT oil. Take it as directed and never go about the maximum daily dose. If you need some time to adjust, take half the recommended dosage and slowly increase. Never add MCT oil or MCT powder to multiple meals and drink throughout the day. You can mix it up but split it across multiple days.

MCT Oil: A Natural Solution for Better Health.

MCT oil really stands out when you are looking for a versatile and potentially beneficial addition to your healthy lifestyle. It has a unique chemical structure that is easy for the body to absorb. Plus, it has the ability to support your weight loss management efforts while keeping your brain smart and strong.

While MCT oil offers a lot of benefits, it is a nutrient that should be added to a balanced and healthy diet. As with any dietary supplement, always talk to your healthcare practitioner before adding it to your diet. But when you are ready to take care of your health and your mind, then MCT oil is the right choice for you.

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Angela Lemond, RDN, CSP, LD

Angela Lemond is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Angela