In This Review
What is Bonafide Relizen?
Bonafide Relizen provides powerful, hormone-free relief to women experiencing menopausal hot flashes and night sweats, so they can stay cool and dry all day and night.
These symptoms can be the most debilitating because they can affect a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof way of knowing that but hopefully, we will be able to help a bit today with our review of Bonafide Relizen.
Bonafide by Relizen is a product that is said to alleviate the symptoms of night sweats and hot flashes. After reading bonafide reviews you will get a clear idea about its working and effectiveness.
How Does It Rate?
Brand Highlights
- The name of the company that makes Bonafide Relizen is Bonafide.
- They are a company that makes products for the various needs of women.
- Brand claim it is safe for womens.
- The products use completely natural & organic ingredients.
Key Ingredients
- Purified Cytoplasmic Blend
- Swedish Flower Pollen Extract
- Isomalt
- Maltodextrin
- Polysorbate
- Available on Amazon.
- This product may help the user sleep more soundly at night.
- By helping the user get a better night’s sleep, it may have a positive effect on mood.
- Bonafide Relizen may be able to decrease the number of hot flashes that occur in women who are going through menopause.
- Bonafide pills may also be able to keep women dry and comfortable through the night since it may eliminate the occurrence of night sweats.
- Side effects are reported.
- Polysorbate, which is an ingredient in this product has been known to cause certain kinds of irritation
- Isomalt is a sugar that is derived from alcohol which means that it could result in some gastric distress.
- Maltodextrin is another ingredient in this product and it may cause some respiratory issues as well as some cramping.
- This product may work well for the first couple of months but body chemistry can change and it may stop working with long-term use.
Who Is The Manufacturer of Bonafide Relizen?
A business that specialises in women’s health goods, Bonafide Health, LLC, is the one that makes the supplement. Tia Mowry, a seasoned businesswoman, and Dr Thiamine Fatima, a business partner, established Bonafide Health in Irvington, New York, in 2016.
Relizen is produced by Bonafide Health in a GMP-approved facility that follows stringent quality control guidelines. A group of skilled experts manage the production process to guarantee that each batch of Relizen is dependable of the highest quality and complies with the strict requirements of the business.
How Does Bonafide Relizen Work?
One of the more interesting aspects of this product with regard to its functionality is that it utilizes a type of pollen that was sourced from four different plants that grow in Sweden.
We are told that this pollen is refined for maximum effect and purified until it is able to help women overcome some of their menopause symptoms. It is said that Bonafide Relizen has the ability to keep the user dry and cool all night, effectively minimizing the occurrences of hot flashes and night sweats.
Bonafide Relizen Ingredients – Are They Safe & Effective?
Bonafide Relizen Supplement Facts
The ingredients in Relizen are Really effective. There is really only one active ingredient in the formula and inactive ingredients are common in the preservation and composition of capsules and pills.
Purified Cytoplasmic Blend
[A] Pollen + Pistil Extract Pl-82 – Phytoestrogens are polyphenols, non-steroidal substances of plant origin, resembling 17-estradiol in structure. These substances can act as either agonists or antagonists of oestrogen receptors. Phytoestrogens are widely used to alleviate menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and night sweats. Most of the available studies focus on three phytohormones: isoflavones, lignans, and coumestans. [1]
[B] Pollen Extract GC-FEM – This paper presents the results of a study devoted to the evaluation of the efficacy of the Femelis Meno dietary supplement containing standardized flower pollen and pistil extracts (PI 82-GC FEM). Publication of the Women’s Health Initiative study in 2002. [2]
Swedish Flower Pollen Extract
– Although the precise method for reducing menopausal symptoms is unknown, one study shows that the antioxidant qualities of the components may play a role. Swedish flower pollen has been used to treat premenstrual side effects such as compromised sleeping patterns[3]. It is also said that this ingredient can help with hot flashes.
Swedish Flower Pollen Extract is a safe and effective natural supplement that can help to improve urinary function and reduce inflammation in the body. Its unique blend of bioactive compounds has been studied extensively and shown to have numerous health benefits.” – Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO
– According to National Library of Medicine, This ingredient may be used to give a slightly sweet taste to the actual Bonafide Relizen pills[4].
– National Library of Medicine says, Maltodextrin is most likely used to ensure the consistency of the pill itself[5].
– According to HHS Public Access, HPMC is used as an excipient in many products like these[6].
– Another inactive ingredient that is used as an excipient for the pill.Some personal care products also contain polysorbate, which is used as a vaginal lubricant. Due to hormonal changes, menopausal women frequently feel vaginal dryness, which can be painful and uncomfortable when engaging in sexual activity. A polysorbate-containing lubricant can assist to reduce this symptom as per Journal of Mid-Life Health[7].
Bonafide Relizen Reviews – YouTube
Bonafide Relizen Reviews – YouTube (Video Credit: YouTube)
Seller Info
- E-Mail:
- Contact: 1-833-266-2343
Q: How Should you Take Bonafide Relizen for menopause relief?
A: You are supposed to take 2 tablets of Bonafide Relizen once a day. You can take the tablets with or without food and it is recommended that you give Bonafide Relizen time to work in your body.
Q: How Much Does Bonafide Relizen Cost?
A: You can make a one-time purchase of Bonafide Relizen for $57 or you can opt to subscribe to their auto-ship program through which you will be shipped a supply of Bonafide Relizen automatically every month.
If you choose this method the price gets dropped to $41 per package. There is also one more 3-month supply plan in which you will be supplied quarterly which will cost you $111 quarterly.
Q: Is Relizen safe?
A: The majority of women are seen to be safe using Relizen, yes. It is constructed of natural ingredients and has undergone comprehensive clinical testing. But before taking Relizen, as with any dietary supplement, it’s vital to see your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking medication.
Q: How long does Relizen take to start working?
A: According to Relizen reviews, Each individual will experience Relizen’s effects at a different pace. Some women might experience a decrease in hot flashes and nocturnal sweats in as little as a few weeks, whilst others might need more time.
Q: Is Relizen vegetarian or vegan?
A: As per Relizen manufacturer, It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Animal products or byproducts are not present.
Q: How are the Bonafide Relizen Reviews given by the consumers?
A: Reading the consumer reviews before sitting on a particular product is important, following are some of the Bonafide Relizen reviews given by the users that you can read before making your decision.
No more hot flashes after almost 4 weeks of taking Relizen Bonafide. My breasts were sore and felt and looked bigger though.
~ Review by Marlene B
After about 3 months all my hot flashes and cold flashes went away for about 6 months or so. Then they came back. Will they go away again if I keep taking it? I sure hope so. I was relieved for months. Now they’re back with a vengeance! ~ Review by Lisa
I was pushed into early menopause due to hormone treatment for breast cancer and this has been a lifesaver. It’s minimized my hot flashes and night sweats. The night sweats were awful before I started using this. It works! ~ Review by Brenna
(Above reviews have been taken from the Official Website)
Q: What is Bonafide Relizen’s Return Policy?
A: There does not seem to be specific information regarding a return policy for Bonafide Relizen but there is a page where you can cancel your subscription to the auto-ship program.
Q: Does Bonafide Relizen Offer a Free Trial?
A: The official Bonafide Relizen website clearly states that there is no free trial of Bonafide Relizen being offered. We will update our review of this product if one becomes available in the future so be sure to check back with us.
Q: Are there any Bonafide Relizen side effects?
A: According to the manufacturer, Relizen has not been linked to any adverse reactions or side effects different than those associated with a sugar pill.
Q: Where To Buy Bonafide Relizen?
A: You can purchase Bonafide Relizen products from Amazon and Walmart.
Bonafide Relizen Reviews – Final Verdict
Bonafide by Relizen is a product that is meant to help women with their menopause symptoms. As such, it may be able to lessen the frequency of hot flashes. It may also reduce the number of night sweats that a woman has and it may also be able to help the user sleep better.
On the other hand, we see that polysorbate may result in certain kinds of irritation and that isomalt may cause some gastric distress. The user may also have to wait for up to 3 months for the effects of Bonafide Relizen to kick in. We suggest taking a look at some similar products before buying Bonafide Relizen for menopause relief.
Fortunately, natural therapies for menopausal symptoms such as weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, decreased libido, and mood swings are available. Since many women experience weight gain during menopause, many natural menopause supplements contain herbs and botanicals that support a healthy metabolism. Menopause supplements should be evaluated on proven ingredients, ability to reduce hot flashes and night sweats, ability to provide hormonal balance and boost libido and its overall value.
Below you'll find some of the most effective menopause supplements on the market today, in our opinion.
Verdict on Claimed Benefits: Below is our summary of the available evidence for the claimed benefits of below mentioned menopause supplements and vitamins based on the available research:

Kristin Green
It’s worth a go if you don’t want to use hormone replacement medication. It’s not exactly cheap, but considering how much it benefits me, the cost is justified.
Marry Copper
mery jane