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The use of testosterone boosters is increasingly common, with many celebrities, especially actors and sportspeople, embracing them. This is because of the many benefits associated with testosterone supplements. Besides, there are many testosterone boosters on the market today.

Know Here the Major Side Effects of Using Testosterone Boosters
Is Testosterone Boosters Good for You?

Testosterone boosters are designed to boost the level of testosterone in men. As you know, testosterone is a hormone that helps in reproduction and sexual development and is therefore responsible for the male characteristics that we find in men. Moreover, the level of testosterone in men drops with age, which leads to many symptoms that make it hard to enjoy life and live well.

Taking testosterone boosters can help you gain energy, build muscle, and improve your libido, among other things. However, it is also important to know that there are some side effects associated with the supplements before you decide whether to take them. Here we look at the major side effects of testosterone boosters to help you decide whether to use them or not.

Are Testosterone Boosters Safe?

This is one of the most common questions among those thinking of taking these supplements. Well, the answer to this depends on some key factors. These include the quality, ingredients used, and formulation. Some of the fine testosterone boosters are safe, as they have fewer side effects.

However, you can only rely on health professionals to determine the supplements that are safe to take. The same professional should be able to monitor your progress and provide advice if any abnormal results emerge.

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Do Testosterone Boosters Really Work?

Most testosterone supplements really work, but every testosterone booster has some side effects, including even the finest products on the market. Some of the expected result that you can get from quality boosters include muscle building, enhancing libido and maintaining stamina.

Therefore, the most important thing is to consult your doctor to enable you to get effective testosterone boosters with fewer testosterone booster side effects. This is because there are many testosterone products on the market, which could make choosing the right one confusing.

However, it is important to be aware of these minor side effects and decide whether you are willing to experience them in order to get the expected results.

What are the Major Side Effects of Testosterone Boosters?

Many potential side effects result from taking testosterone boosters, despite their well-known benefits. These include:

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure

Testosterone Boosters and Kidney Disease

One of the major potential side effects that are associated with testosterone boosters is kidney failure. Several studies have shown that these supplements have long-term health effects. Besides, some of the studies have even confirmed that testosterone boosters can cause damage to the kidney if they are used for a long time.

Testosterone hormone triggers an increase in the levels of red blood cells and erythropoietin hormone, which leads to kidney failure. This kidney hormone works in your bone marrow by triggering the production of red blood cells.

Increased Injury Risks

Increase injury risk

Side Effects of Taking a Testosterone Booster

According to most scientists and medical professionals, testosterone can increase the risk of suffering injuries. This is because the supplements only help increase muscle mass; they do not strengthen the ligaments and tendons that support the muscles.

Therefore, this increases the risks of injuries that include, muscle tears, ligament ruptures, tendon injuries and might cause stunted growth among those who take them.[1] However, this can be managed by ensuring that you limit your workouts, take the supplements for two, and then allow a one-week interval before resuming.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea

This is one of the most common side effects of testosterone with almost every supplement available in the market. Sleep apnea is sleep disorder that causes breathing pauses and makes the person suffering from it to snore loudly during sleep.[2] This might come as a shock to many aspiring users because testosterone is known to boost energy, libido, fertility, and aggression.




This is also another common side effect of testosterone boosters, which are linked to many of these supplements. The condition is thought to be caused by testosterone boosters overstimulating sebaceous gland activity. This makes the skin too oily, which increases the risk of acne, especially on the chest, back, and face. Moreover, more oily skin can also lead to mild or severe allergic reactions like itching, hives, swelling of the facial parts, rashes, chest tightness, and difficulty in breathing.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Testosterone Boosters and Prostate Cancer

Some studies have linked these supplements with prostate cancer. These studies have shown that the prolonged use of testosterone boosters can result in the enlargement of the prostate. The condition can cause difficulty starting urination as well as painful urine discharge.

If you already have cancer, this could aggravate the situation because it can cause the cancer hormone to spread. This explains why most health professionals recommend that you take prostate cancer tests before being approved as a good candidate to start using the supplements.




This is a condition that results from increased red blood cell levels in the body. Most researchers have found out that the condition is common among those who take testosterone boosters. This is because testosterone leads to increased production of red blood cells, which causes the blood to thicken and become susceptible to blood clots that can result in a stroke. It is important to understand that polycythemia has no cure and can only be controlled by some treatments.




Some users have also complained of suffering from depression.

However, there is no research that has managed to link depression to testosterone use, as the main cause is yet to be identified.

Behavioural Changes

Behavioural Changes

Behavioural Changes

Since testosterone increases the male’s roles. Testosterone boosters may lead to increased levels of the hormone, which can stimulate aggressive behaviour or tendencies. Consequently, most people who take the supplements find it hard to control anger. It is advisable that you stop using them once you experience any serious behavioural changes and consult a health professional.

How Do You Determine Whether You Have Low Testosterone?

You can only find out whether you have the condition by being tested by a doctor for the levels of the hormone in your blood. This is the only accurate way to detect it, as the level of testosterone keeps fluctuating throughout the day.

5 Essential Oils to Boost Testosterone

5 Essential Oils to Boost Testosterone

Common Signs of Low Testosterone Levels

  • Signs of depression
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction[3]
  • Decreased sense of well-being
  • Difficulty in concentrating


In conclusion, several potential risks are linked with the testosterone boosters on the market today. There is little research that can directly associate most of the so-called testosterone boosters’ side effects with taking the supplements. Moreover, there many individuals that are known to use these testosterone supplements like Nugenix for an extended period with any little or no signs of the side effects.

This depends on the quality of the supplements that you use and if you have any health conditions that could trigger a severe reaction. Therefore, to be safe, you should involve your doctor in choosing the right testosterone booster and report any side effects. You can also do some thorough research on some of the more common products by checking their reviews.

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3 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Risks of Serious Injury :
[2] Sleep Apnea and Testosterone Deficiency :
[3] Erectile Dysfunction :

Michael Wight

Michael Wight is a health enthusiast and blogger. He contributes to different websites in the health and fitness niche.