In This Article
A penis is an important male reproductive organ. A healthy penis is important for both couples to have a satisfying sexual life. There are many sexual problems that are associated with the penis, like a penile fracture, reduced penis sensitivity, penile cancer, hyperpenis sensitivity, and more. And sexual issues are the most common causes of an unsatisfying sexual life.
The survey conducted to find out about the relationship status revealed that around 6 out of 10 couples in the United Kingdom were not satisfied with their relationship. The condition is not any better in the United States as well.
The study revealed that one of the major causes of divorce was a lesser sexual frequency. The men with a very sensitive penis have a hard time, satisfying their partners. They often feel unreal pain in the middle of sexual intercourse. This unusual penis sensitivity can be really annoying for men.
How to Reduce the Sensitivity of your Penis?
You may receive plenty of suggestions regarding ways to reduce penis sensitivity, but not all of them will work out for you. Both having a hypersensitive penis and having very low penis sensitivity are not good for enjoying the sexual experience.
If you’re struggling with excess penis sensitivity, then you may want to experiment with these tips to reduce the sensitivity of your penis.
Ways to Reduce Penis Sensitivity
These are some of the best possible ways to reduce penis sensitivity.
1. Using a Latex Barrier or other Tools
A problem with a hypersensitive penis while having sexual intercourse is a really frustrating experience. It can eventually derail the entire sex experience.
To deal with the sensitive penis issue, a latex barrier can be helpful.

Latex Barrier
A latex barrier can be placed right between the sensitive penis skin and the partner’s inviting skin. This can somewhat reduce penis sensitivity.
Another tool that can be used for reducing the sensitivity of the penis is a condom. A thicker condom could be a better option for men with hypersensitive penis[1].
Using a thicker condom can reduce the friction sensation, but it will also leave a feeling of pressure in that place.
Men who used condoms were able to spend more time in bed with their partners.It can help you out as well. Seek out the highest-quality condoms on the market and just try them out.
The good thing about using a condom is that it protects from sexually transmitted diseases and helps reduce penis sensitivity at the same time. The study shows that a thicker condom can also help in delaying ejaculation.[2]
This suggestion is often provided by doctors to men who are struggling to last longer in bed with their partner. Furthermore, purchasing a condom is not very expensive.
2. Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic Floor Excercises
Exercise is a must to keep you healthy and wise. Among many types of exercises, pelvic floor exercises are suggested for people who are struggling with various forms of sexual disorders.[3]
These exercises are also known as Kegel exercises. The men who consistently do these exercises improve their control, as these exercises target the muscles just below the bladder.
It enhances the tone of the muscles in that area, which is important for better reproductive function.
These muscles play a role during urination, and you can stop the urine flow midstream to find out the exact location of these muscles.
After finding these muscles, work them out with Kegel exercises. You can find them on YouTube or ask a trainer.
After consistently working them out, you will feel that your muscles are tighter and that you have better control during sexual intercourse. It can also help keep ejaculation at bay.
There was a study conducted to find out the impact of pelvic floor exercises among lifelong patients of premature ejaculation.[5]
The results of the study were quite encouraging. The men who consistently performed pelvic floor exercises experienced improvement in their condition after 6 months follow up.
3. Experimenting with Sex Positions

Sex Positions
There are many sex positions to experiment with. Some sex positions are hard on the penis, while others are very safe. Just continuing to have sex in the same position will make a man concentrate on his penis and body too much.
A change in sex position can help a man divert his attention away from a sensitive penis. It will divert his attention from the sensitive penis for a moment, which could allow him valuable time to improve his performance.
4. Increasing Exposure
The tip of a circumcised man’s penis protects his penis from touches and scrapes.
During sexual intercourse, the protective foreskin is pushed back, causing the sensation-deprived penis to experience an overwhelming sensation.
It’s not recommended to keep the foreskin retracted all the time; however, one can gently lower the foreskin on the top of the penis on a regular basis to tackle this condition.
A doctor might recommend an adult circumcision for men who are struggling with a hypersensitive penis.
Some circumcised men may also have a hypersensitive penis. For them, wearing a cotton undergarment may help them in reducing sensitivity.
5. Numbing Cream and Others

Numbing Cream
There are many numbing creams and other products on the market that can numb your skin. Applying these creams, gels, and lotions just before having sex can help in reducing your penis sensitivity.
However, these products may cause harm to your skin, which may lead to peeling, cracking, and irritation.
Before trying out the cream, oil, or any other product, it’s recommended to do some research on the product. Here is one of the top products, check it out.
Check out the reviews, brand, and expert opinions before trying it out. And, you should also consult a doctor before trying out things that are related to sexual health.
Can Penile Sensitivity be Restored?
There are plenty of reasons for reduced penis sensitivity, like aging, masturbation, and so on. However, there are also strategies through which penis sensitivity can be restored.
The key here is to provide proper care and nutrients to the penis skin for healthy skin and proper nerve cell function.
Reduced unusual penis sensitivity can be a huge relief for men who are struggling to satisfy their women due to the highly sensitive penis.When you are able to satisfy your partner, it’s very obvious that you will have a very active sex life.
When you have an active sexual life, you are more likely to be satisfied with your career, according to the study. Follow the tips that are mentioned in this article and see if there is any improvement in your condition.
Check out the ways to enhance your penile and overall sexual health. Seek for supplements with natural ingredients Nugenix ingredients are all-natural and safe. Still, if there is a serious issue, then do not hesitate to consult with a doctor.
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3 Sources
We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.
[2] Premature Ejaculation :,help%20overcome%20premature%20ejaculatory%20problems.
[3] Pelvic floor exercises :