
Male sexual disorders encompass a range of issues that can impact a man’s sexual health, psychological well-being, and quality of life. These disorders can be broadly categorized into issues related to sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain during sexual activity.

Male Sexual Disorders : Causes and Solutions to recover the strength
Male Sexual Problems. Shutterstock Images.

Conditions such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, and Peyronie’s disease are among the most commonly diagnosed sexual disorders in men. The causes behind these conditions are multifactorial, including physical health problems, psychological issues, hormonal imbalances, and the effects of certain medications.

Addressing male sexual disorders requires a comprehensive approach that often involves medical treatment, therapy, lifestyle changes, and psychological support. Male sexual problems are not among the rare problems seen among men. In fact, male sexual problems are some of the most common problems that are experienced by men. [1]

What is so bad about these problems is that men are not even willing to talk about these problems with doctors and sexologists.

The Physiology of Sexual Function

The coordination of various parts of the body is required for performing sexual activity. The sync between hormones and neurological paths is needed for an optimum sexual desire.In order to maintain a strong erection and maintain your sexual performance, your penile nerves, blood, and vessels must be intact. [2]

In the case of orgasm, this thing is not completely understood, but it also involves coordination between nerves and muscles. The physician must check out all the possible problems in different systems of a person while he/she is seeking out for the cause of a sexual dysfunction.

What is Male Sexual Disorders?

Male sexual disorders are medical conditions that negatively affect a man’s ability to have or enjoy sex. These disorders can interfere with various aspects of the sexual response cycle, including interest in sex (libido), the ability to achieve or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction), ejaculation (which may be premature, delayed, or absent), and orgasm.

Pain experienced during intercourse also falls under the spectrum of male sexual disorders. The manifestation of these conditions can lead to significant distress, marital or relationship problems, and a diminished quality of life. Identifying and treating these disorders is crucial for the sexual health and overall well-being of the affected individuals. [3]

What are Male Sexual Problems?

Sexual problems can be seen among men of any age group, race, and nationality. Sexual dysfunction can be defined as an inability to perform sexual activities in a normal way. The standard of satisfying sexual activity may differ from person to person, but there are some set standards for what is a normal sexual function. [4]

Sexual dysfunction can affect many aspects of a person’s life, and these sexual dysfunctions may also be the first symptom of many other physical problems or some psychological problems.

What are Some of the Major Sexual Problems Seen among Men?

Major Sexual Problems

When we discuss sexual dysfunction among men, we are talking about a broad topic of sexual dysfunction. To understand sexual problems among men, we need to break the topic down into many different subtopics. To break down this topic into many different subtopics, we need to dig deep into different types of sexual problems.
In this part of this article, we will take a look at what are some of the most common sexual problems that are faced by men. The most common sexual problems seen among men are:

  • Erectile Dysfunction [5]
  • Ejaculation problems
  • Low libido or complications related to sexual desire
  • Problem with orgasm

These are the four common sexual problems that are very common among men. It’s important for you to note that a man can be diagnosed with more than one sexual problem at a time. So, do not assume that only one sexual problem is seen at a time.
In the upcoming parts of this article, we will take a look at every single sexual problem that is seen among men in detail.

Low Libido and Problems Regarding Sexual Desire in Men

When we look at the world around us, we may observe that men are basically hungry for sexual intercourse. They usually have a greater sex drive than their female partner. However, there is a chance that men can suffer from low libido, and i.e. lesser desire to have sexual intercourse.

According to the study, the level of testosterone among men starts to decline after the age of 30. Testosterone is the hormone that plays a crucial role in maintaining an optimum level of sex drive in men. However, a problem of low libido among men is not only seen in older men but is also seen among young men.

It’s a condition where a man has a reduced sex drive or a completely vanished sex drive. This also varies from what sexual satisfaction a person receives after having sexual intercourse. Libido is a brain and hormonal phenomenon.

Causes of Low Libido

1. Low Testosterone

A low testosterone level in the blood is the most common cause of a low libido. This hormone is mainly produced in man’s testicles. It’s responsible for stimulating sperm production and for the development of bone and muscle mass.

If the level of testosterone in the body falls beyond the optimum level of testosterone needed in the body, a man is considered as a person with low testosterone, and a low testosterone could lead to low libido.

2. Medications

There are certain medications that could lower the level of testosterone in the body, which can lead to a low libido. For instance, the medications for blood pressure like ACE inhibitors may obstruct the ejaculation and erection process.
If you’re suffering from a low libido just after the consumption of these medications, you should consult a doctor and opt for alternative medications.

3. Smoking and Alcoholism

You must have heard about the adverse impacts of smoking and consuming alcohol on your lungs and liver. However, the impacts of smoking and alcohol are not just limited to your lungs and liver. If you’re suffering from a problem of low libido, smoking and alcoholism are somewhat responsible for that.
It’s up to you to decide whether you want to carry on with cigarettes and drinks, or you want a healthy sex drive. There are many programs that could help you get rid of your smoking and drinking habits.

4. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Restless Legs Syndrome is an uncontrollable urge to move your legs. The study has shown that the men who are struggling with this order are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction and a severe case of RLS may even lead to impotence.

5. Depression

Depression is more than just a normal sadness. This mental disorder can affect all aspects of a person’s life. The people who are struggling with depression experience a lack of interest in many things of life and that includes sex.

The problem of low libido could also be the side effect of antidepressants, especially serotonin reuptake inhibitors. If you’re experiencing a lack of sex drive after consuming your antidepressants, you should consult with a doctor about your problem.

6. Chronic Illness

Human beings are not immune to illnesses. There are many types of chronic illnesses that could affect the life of a person. If you’re suffering from chronic illness, you are most likely to put sex as the least priority.
A chronic illness, such as cancer can even lower the production of sperm in your body.

7. Sleep Problems

The study[5] shows that a person struggling with sleep deprivation often experiences lower testosterone in the body. It’s a necessity for every person to get enough sleep to have an optimum level of energy in the body. A healthy sleeping habit can enhance the overall health of a person.

8. Stress

Stress is a part of our everyday’s life. The high level of stress can disrupt our hormonal balance, which can often lead to a low libido.

The Diagnosis of Sexual Problems in Men

The physician starts off his/her evaluation of patient history. The patient is asked to bring forward his medical, physiological, and sexual history, so that the physician may understand a bit about various medical and physical problems that were faced by the patient in the past.

After understanding the patient’s history, the doctor asks the patient to go through a physical examination to see if there are some other problems that are recently seen in the patient. This physical examination and history are important because there are many different causes of male sexual problems. [6]

There could also be a case where a patient’s partner may provide some useful information to the physician to get some important insights about the patient. During the time of diagnosis, the patient needs to have an interview with the physician.

How to Treat the Problem of Low Libido?

The treatment method that is recommended for the problem of low libido strongly depends on the causes of low libido. Here are some of the ways to treat the problem of low libido.

1. Healthier Lifestyle Choices

So much depends on your lifestyle choices, which is the reason why you should be very careful in choosing your lifestyle. There are many changes that can be done to your lifestyle, which can greatly enhance your sex drive.

The first task for you is to opt for a better diet. There are plenty of foods that can improve your sexual performance, and there are also foods that can hamper your sexual health. Avoid foods that are bad for your sexual health and add more foods to your diet that can improve your sexual health.

The next thing for you to do is to be involved in regular workouts. Being involved in regular workouts can enhance your overall health. And, there are also some specific exercises that are very effective in improving your sexual performance. Stay away from regular smoking and drinking and get enough sleep.
These are some of the changes that you can adopt for better sexual health.

2. Shift Medications

There are some medications that could adversely impact your sex drive. If you’re on some kinds of medications that are impacting your sex drive, you should immediately consult your doctor and seek out alternative medications.

3. Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Only the people who are severely struggling with a very low level of testosterone in the body should opt for this treatment method. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is the treatment method in which testosterone is often replaced. There are many benefits and drawbacks of this therapy.

4. Counseling

Many men often counter with low libido due to their own personal problems and stress or conflict with their partners. The problem of low libido can be solved with thoughtful counseling with a counselor.


Male sexual disorders, encompassing a range of issues from erectile dysfunction to low libido, represent significant challenges impacting men’s sexual health and overall well-being. These conditions, rooted in both physiological and psychological factors, can severely affect quality of life, relationships, and emotional health.

Understanding the nature of male sexual dysfunction is crucial for effective treatment, which may include medical intervention, lifestyle adjustments, psychological support, and open communication between partners.

Strategies such as adopting healthier lifestyle choices, exploring medical treatments like testosterone replacement therapy, and engaging in counseling can offer substantial improvements. It is essential for affected individuals to seek professional guidance and discuss these issues openly to identify the best course of action tailored to their specific needs. By addressing these problems with a comprehensive approach, men can recover strength, improve sexual health, and enhance their quality of life.

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[1] Rösing D, Klebingat KJ, Berberich HJ, Bosinski HA, Loewit K, Beier KM. Male sexual dysfunction: diagnosis and treatment from a sexological and interdisciplinary perspective. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2009 Dec;106(50):821-8. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2009.0821. Epub 2009 Dec 11. PMID: 20049092; PMCID: PMC2801066.
[2] Calabrò RS, Cacciola A, Bruschetta D, Milardi D, Quattrini F, Sciarrone F, la Rosa G, Bramanti P, Anastasi G. Neuroanatomy and function of human sexual behavior: A neglected or unknown issue? Brain Behav. 2019 Dec;9(12):e01389. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1389. Epub 2019 Sep 30. PMID: 31568703; PMCID: PMC6908863.
[3] "Sexual Disorders and Dysfunctions: What to Know." Psych Central, 17 May. 2019, psychcentral.com/disorders/sex-overview#dsm-5-diagnoses.
[4] Anderson D, Laforge J, Ross MM, Vanlangendonck R, Hasoon J, Viswanath O, Kaye AD, Urits I. Male Sexual Dysfunction. Health Psychol Res. 2022 Aug 20;10(3):37533. doi: 10.52965/001c.37533. PMID: 35999971; PMCID: PMC9392840.
[5] Rösing D, Klebingat KJ, Berberich HJ, Bosinski HA, Loewit K, Beier KM. Male sexual dysfunction: diagnosis and treatment from a sexological and interdisciplinary perspective. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2009 Dec;106(50):821-8. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2009.0821. Epub 2009 Dec 11. PMID: 20049092; PMCID: PMC2801066.
[6] Anderson D, Laforge J, Ross MM, Vanlangendonck R, Hasoon J, Viswanath O, Kaye AD, Urits I. Male Sexual Dysfunction. Health Psychol Res. 2022 Aug 20;10(3):37533. doi: 10.52965/001c.37533. PMID: 35999971; PMCID: PMC9392840.

Michael Wight

Michael Wight is a health enthusiast and blogger. He contributes to different websites in the health and fitness niche.