In This Article


Long Jack is a traditional Southeast Asian herbal cure that has been used for millennia. According to studies, Long Jack may promote male fertility, relieve stress, and improve body composition, but research in these areas is limited. Long Jack is discussed in this article, along with its advantages, potential adverse effects, and dosage.

Long Jack: Benefits, Negatives & Side Effects, And Dosage
Long Jack Herb

Origin of Long Jack

Long Jack, also known as Tongkat ail, literally translates to “Ali’s walking stick,” referring to its aphrodisiac properties. Some believe the “stick” refers to the plant’s long, twisted roots, which are harvested for medicinal purposes by some communities.

Long Jack is primarily found in Malaysia and Indonesia. It can still be found in some parts of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand.

What Is Long Jack?

Long Jack is a bitter-tasting herbal supplement that has been used for millennia for medicinal purposes. Long Jack is also known as Eurycoma longifolia, Malysian Ginseng, Jack, or Tongkat ail. It was originally used as an aphrodisiac, but it has since been discovered that it can also help build muscle and enhance testosterone levels.

Malaria, infections, male infertility, fevers, and erectile dysfunction are all treated with it in traditional medicine in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Asian countries.

Long Jack, in particular, includes flavonoids, alkaloids, and other substances that acts as antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemicals that battle free radicals, which cause cellular harm. They may also be beneficial to your body in other ways.

Long Jack Benefits

1. Increases the Production of Testosterone
One of our body’s most important hormones, testosterone, is linked to masculinity, vitality, mood, stamina, desire, and overall health. As a result, both men and women can benefit from replenishing testosterone levels.

Data suggests, Long Jack is one of the natural herbal supplements that experts have recently confirmed to help men and women balance their testosterone levels.[1]
2. Improves Libido & Sexual Health
Long Jack benefits healthy male reproductive function and fertility, including sperm production, sperm motility, sperm production, libido, and erectile function.[2] The process works by controlling the testosterone hormone, which is important for sexual organ functions and libido.[3]
3. Improve strength, muscle mass, and physical activity
Long Jack’s adaptability allows for a broader range of applications as a functional element in the fitness and sports communities. Long Jack provides a performance boost in terms of strength and muscle building.
Long Jack has been popular among athletes and sports professionals as a safe alternative to steroids as a pre-workout drink in recent years.
4. It Has The Potential To Promote Weight Loss And Body Fat Reduction
Anabolic processes in our bodies allow for bone growth and mineralization, as well as increased muscle mass. Long Jack is an anabolic supplement with high protein content.

According to previous research, Long Jack consumption has been shown to result in increased muscle growth in active, healthy individuals.
Long Jack appears to have the ability to help men and women lose weight or fat.
5. Potential Treatment for Osteoporosis
Scientists recently discovered long Jack to be a potential treatment for osteoporosis. Long Jack has been found to have characteristics that promote bone formation, suggesting that it could be used to treat osteoporosis.
6. Anti-Cancer properties to aid Cancer Treatment
According to preliminary data, Long Jack has anti-cancer effects, although additional research is needed at this time.[4]
7. Reduce Anger Stress, And Boosts Mood
Long Jack has been scientifically proven to lower aggression, tension, and disorientation, all of which affect your mood and stress levels. Long Jack’s advantage in this area aids busy professionals and people suffering from depression or stressful situations.

Other benefits include

  • May Enhance the Immune System
  • May Reduce Blood Sugar Level
  • May Reduce Blood Pressure
  • May Exhibit Anti-Ulcer Properties

Long Jack Side Effects

After using Long Jack, some people have reported mild headaches, rashes, sleeplessness, irritability, restlessness, and a low fever. As a result, it is recommended that Long Jack be introduced gradually to increase tolerance.

There have been several reports of counterfeit Long Jack items on the market. As a result, it would be preferable if you placed orders with trusted manufacturers and suppliers.

Long Jack Dosage and Timing

Long Jack is effective at doses ranging from 100 to 200 mg per day. Divide the doses between meals if you desire greater quantities. Long Jack can be cycled much like other testosterone supplements.

Before using, be sure to read the product label and consult your pharmacist, physician, or other healthcare experts.

Long Jack Supplements

You can buy it as a standalone supplement or in combination with other testosterone boosters. Alternatively, you might choose Longifolia-branded products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Does It Work?

A: Long Jack’s root contains several chemicals that have varying effects on the body. Some of the chemicals appear to have an impact on how testosterone is produced in the body.[5] It has been shown in various studies to raise testosterone levels in the body.[6]

Q: What Are the Side Effects of Long Jack?

A: The side effects linked to the use of this supplement include mild headaches, rashes, sleeplessness, irritability, restlessness, and a low fever.

Q: Where Do I Buy Long Jack?

A: You can purchase Long Jack in a reputable brand in stores or online.

Q: Can I Take a Long Jack Supplement Every Day?

A: You can take Long Jack daily as long as the dose ranges from 100 to 200 mg per day. You can also divide the doses between meals if you want greater quantities. [7]

Q: What Does Long Jack Help?

A: Data suggest, long Jack has been shown to help improve anger, stress, confusion, erectile dysfunction, and overall health.[8]

Q: Does Long Jack Lower Blood Pressure?

A: Although Long Jack has been studied for its erectile function, the effect it has on lowering blood pressure has yet to be verified


Long Jack has made a lot of progress. However, research and studies have shown that some of these often absurd claims are true. Long Jack has numerous health benefits, including promoting lean muscle mass and supporting healthy testosterone levels. Long Jack might make a great addition to your daily stack.

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