In This Article

What is Avena sativa?

Over the last few decades, there has been a surge in interest in the study of various plant extracts for nutritional and medicinal purposes. Protein, avenanthramides, minerals, indole alkaloid, flavonoids, sterols, lipids, and triterpenoidsaponins are abundant in Avena sativa. It had numerous pharmacological effects, together with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, dermatological, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory, gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiovascular, hypolipidemic, and other biological properties. [1]

Avena Sativa: Health Benefits, Potential Side Effects and Interactions
Avena Sativa Ingredients

Oats (Avena sativa L.) are farmed worldwide and are a crucial dietary staple in many countries. Avena sativa is often consumed (or used as a therapeutic supplement) due to its numerous oat straw benefits. [2]

Avena sativa is also known as avena (Spanish), hafer (German), ma-karasu-mugi (Japanese), and oats. [3]

The Avena sativa plant consists of an oat seed, leaves and stems (oat straw), and bran (the outer layer of the whole oats). Surprisingly, different portions of the Avena sativa plant are utilized to manufacture medical herbal supplements with a variety of sativa health benefits.

The meaning of the word Avena, which the Romans used to designate to both cultivated and wild oats, is unknown. It’s possible that the name comes from the Sanskrit words “avi,” which means “sheep,” or “avàsa,” which means “meal.” Grimm discovered that the term for oats is related to the word for ram in practically every European language. As a result, oats earned the moniker “goat fodder.” [4]

Benefits Provided by Avena Sativa

While oat straw extract has several benefits, only a handful have been researched. They include:

1. Blood flow may be improved.

According to research, poor blood flow is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Green oat extract contains avenanthramides, a type of antioxidant that has been demonstrated to promote heart health.

They may enhance blood flow in particular by increasing the generation of nitric oxide, a chemical that aids in the dilation of blood vessels.

In one 24-week research of 37 overweight older individuals, adding 1,500 mg of oat straw extract to their daily diets significantly increased blood flow parameters in the heart and brain compared to a placebo.

While evidence suggests that oat straw extract may aid in the maintenance of a healthy heart, further long-term studies are required to understand its effects completely.

2. Inflammation may be reduced.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some malignancies.

Oat straw extract is high in antioxidants, particularly avenanthramides, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, lowering your chance of developing certain diseases. [5]

Furthermore, in-vitro studies show that oat avenanthramides can lower cytokine synthesis and secretion, which are proinflammatory substances linked to an elevated risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

3. Brain function may be improved.

Oat straw extract may assist improve brain function in elderly people. [6]

Two trials in older persons with decreased brain function discovered that taking 800–1,600 mg of green oat extract twice a day greatly improved memory, attention, and concentration.

However, these studies were funded by the supplement’s creator, which may have impacted the results.

Another 12-week trial of 36 healthy people with normal brain function found that taking 1,500 mg of green oat extract daily had no effect on measures of attention, memory, task focus, accuracy, or multitasking performance.

Overall, there has been little research on the relationship between brain functions and oat straw extract and it has not been proved to improve normal brain functions in adults.

4. Possibly improves mood

Oat straw extract has traditionally been used to treat stress [7], anxiety [8], and depression. While research on the extract is limited, some studies suggest that it may boost mood by decreasing the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4), which is prevalent in immune cells.

According to research, decreasing PDE4 may alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression

Furthermore, oat straw extract has been shown to lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines, which may play a role in the development of depression and other psychiatric illnesses.

In one rat trial, a low dose of green oat extract administered over seven weeks greatly increased the animals’ ability to cope and respond to stress compared to a placebo.

These findings, however, have not been duplicated in humans.

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Potential Side Effects of Avena Sativa

Most oat products are thought to be safe for most individuals, including:

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Mothers who are breastfeeding
  • Children

However, the following group of people might suffer certain side effects after consuming oat products:

  • Those who have celiac disease or other digestive issues
  • Those suffering from intestinal blockages
  • Those suffering from digestive issues that cause the digestive process to slow down (this could lead to an intestinal blockage).
  • Children with atopic dermatitis as they are at a higher risk of developing oat allergies. [9]

Oats may cause the following side effects:

  • Constipation (gas)
  • Bloating
  • Anal irritability
  • Irritation of the skin (when oat-containing products are applied topically) (on the skin).

To reduce side effects, begin with a lesser dose and gradually raise to the required level; the body will gradually adjust. The side effects are likely to fade.

Avena Sativa Supplements

Avena Sativa is used by supplement manufacturers together with other substances like longjack and tribulus in testosterone boosters and bodybuilding pills. [10]

Avena Sativa Interactions

When used with other medications, Avena sativa has no adverse effects.

It is frequently used as a safe alternative to other natural supplements. Avena Sativa extract is often found in products designed to increase sexual drive.

Avena Sativa FAQ’s

Q: What is avena sativa?

A: With an annual production of 22 million tonnes, Avena sativa, sometimes known as oats, is one of the world’s most important cereal grains. [11]

Q: How much avena sativa should I take?

A: 1-3ml three times per day. [12]

Q: Does avena sativa make you sleepy?

A: Avena sativa possesses chemicals that are both relaxing and soothing to both the nervous system and the brain, making it an excellent nerve restorative. [13]

Q: Is avena sativa gluten-free?

A: While oats are inherently gluten-free, they may contact gluten-containing cereals like wheat, rye, and barley on the farm, in storage, or during shipping.

Q: Are avena sativa supplements safe?

A: The pure herb is more potent and less costly to use. Because it is not on record for Avena sativa to interfere with medicines, it is frequently used as an innocuous substitute to other anxiety-relieving herbs, such as St John’s wort, which cannot be taken with many other prescriptions. [14]

Q: Does avena sativa FVboost testosterone?

A: In a recent study, 90% of “testosterone booster” products claimed to increase testosterone. However, only 24.8 percent of them claimed to have statistics to back up their statements. A total of 10.1 percent of the components provided data indicating a deleterious influence on testosterone. Many received supratherapeutic amounts of vitamins and minerals, often exceeding the UL. Patients should be advised that “testosterone booster ” products may not include the chemicals necessary to back up their claims. [15]

Q: Does avena sativa lower cholesterol?

A: In LDLr(-/-) mice, oat bran supplementation lowers plasma cholesterol, lowers levels of certain inflammatory markers, enhances eNOS expression, and slows atherosclerotic lesion growth. It is still unknown which components of oats contribute to these effects. [16]

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16 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] The Nutrition Source:
[2] Clemesha CG, Thaker H, Samplaski MK. 'Testosterone Boosting' Supplements Composition and Claims Are not Supported by the Academic Literature. World J Mens Health. 2020;38(1):115-122. doi:10.5534/wjmh.190043
[3] CABI (2022) ‘Avena sativa (oats)’, CABI Compendium. CABI International. doi: 10.1079/cabicompendium.8061.
[4] CABI (2022) ‘Avena sativa (oats)’, CABI Compendium. CABI International. doi: 10.1079/cabicompendium.8061.
[5] SYSTEMATIC REVIEW article Front. Nutr., 27 August 2021 Sec. Nutritional Immunology Volume 8 - 2021 |
[6] Acute and Chronic Effects of Avena Sativa on Cognition and Stress:
[7] Kennedy DO, Bonnländer B, Lang SC, et al. Acute and Chronic Effects of Green Oat (Avena sativa) Extract on Cognitive Function and Mood during a Laboratory Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Humans. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1598. Published 2020 May 29. doi:10.3390/nu12061598
[8] Oat Straw (Avena sativa) helpful in calming the nerves of those who are detoxing from drug or alcohol addiction, and can even help curb nicotine cravings:
[9] Rokaite R, Labanauskas L. Gastrointestinal disorders in children with atopic dermatitis. Medicina (Kaunas). 2005;41(10):837-45. English, Lithuanian. PMID: 16272830.
[10] Effect of Avena sativa (Oats) on Spermatogenesis and Reproductive Health:
[11] Avena Sativa:
[12] Avena sativa Benefits:
[13] Nervines and Adaptogens: Naturopathic Choices for Anxiety, Stress & the Nervous System:
[14] Wynn SG, Fougère BJ. Veterinary Herbal Medicine: A Systems-Based Approach. Veterinary Herbal Medicine. 2007;291-409. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-02998-8.50024-X
[15] Clemesha CG, Thaker H, Samplaski MK. 'Testosterone Boosting' Supplements Composition and Claims Are not Supported by the Academic Literature. World J Mens Health. 2020;38(1):115-122. doi:10.5534/wjmh.190043
[16] Andersson KE, Svedberg KA, Lindholm MW, Oste R, Hellstrand P. Oats (Avena sativa) reduce atherogenesis in LDL-receptor-deficient mice. Atherosclerosis. 2010 Sep;212(1):93-9. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2010.05.001. Epub 2010 May 11. PMID: 20553794.