In This Article
Many health issues come with age and an unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, some come no matter how much care you take of your body.
And regardless of how much money you invest into hair care, problems like alopecia can appear, making you wonder, “Will I ever have the beautiful hair I was used to having?”
If you’re in a desperate situation and your hair dissatisfies you, keep reading to find out what actions you can take to reduce the harm done to it.

Hair loss in males can be caused by both heredity and environmental factors.
Most Common Hair Problems
The following are the most frequent hair problems in males across the world, as well as hair loss treatments for them.
Understand alopecia
You might look for ways to grow hair in bald areas if you ignore your scalp. However, alopecia – the condition that causes hair loss in patches on the head (eyelashes, brows and more) is related to heredity, ageing and changes in the hormone testosterone and can be transient or permanent, so it’s a more severe problem.
Anyone can lose hair on their head, but males are more likely to do so. Male pattern baldness, commonly known as androgenetic alopecia, affects about half of all males over 50. It may damage a man’s self-esteem, which is why so many therapy alternatives are available [1].
In addition, Jessica Wilson, Registered Dietitian says that though there are many reasons why hair may become thin, sparse, and patchy, it is important to consider nutrition-related reasons for hair loss. Iron, biotin, zinc, and protein are key nutrients to pay attention to when struggling with hair loss. Ensuring you get enough of each is key when considering your treatment options. Eating plenty of meat and shellfish, legumes, and nuts and seeds will help support your hair goals and prevent deficiencies.
Find out more about hair transplants
Luckily, men suffering from alopecia can reach out to specialists to have a hair transplant. It’s an increasingly common method to restore the beauty of the hair and regain confidence.
If you’re looking for one, find a specialized cabinet with positive recommendations and familiarize yourself with the process you will go through.
Hair is generally taken from the area where it’s abundant and moved to bald spots. If you want to ease the process, some companies offer an excellent package and help you accommodate the hotel and move around more easily on that day.
If you want a hair transplant in Turkey, don’t worry about the language spoken and the details; take one more day to see the wonderful Bosporus [2].
Not only will you return home happy because you’ll have great hair again, but you’ll have also had a simple trip.
Get rid of unhealthy habits
Even though hair is naturally linked with genetics, which impacts how it feels and looks, unhealthy habits can do more harm than good [3], like using poor-quality hair products or products that aren’t tailored for your actual hair condition.
This applies to anything you put in your hair, from shampoo to styling wax.
A greasy shampoo can boost sebum production, so it shouldn’t be used by men that don’t have dry hair.
Knowing your hair type – straight, curly, wavy, thin, or dry — is the greatest place to start when looking for the proper hair loss products.
Pay attention to your scalp
A clean scalp is a healthy scalp. If it’s not washed regularly and with precaution, the microbiota balance can be disrupted, leading to possible inflammation, bacteria population, and other scalp issues that ultimately harm the follicles.
Yet, be wary of over-washing your hair so you don’t deprive it of its protective oils.
Your hair type determines the frequency at which you do this task every week, but what you should never forget is to use lukewarm water instead of hot water because it dries the hair and even the skin on your body.
All in all, there are ways to restore the beauty of your hair. Be thankful that hair products and transplants are available and can solve the problem quickly and efficiently.
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3 Sources
We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.
[1]What is alopecia areata and how is it managed?:[2] Life-Changing Hair Transplant Surgeries Happen Here At GetHair:
[3] Implications of cigarette smoking on early-onset androgenetic alopecia: A cross-sectional Study: