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Backed by extensive scientific research, creatine has become the go-to supplement for an increasing number of athletes, weightlifters, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts due to the numerous benefits it provides. However, outside these fitness-focused categories, creatine supplements are often regarded with reluctance. Those who don’t engage in bodybuilding activities or are not interested in increasing their muscle mass shy away from using creatine supplements.

If you’ve brushed off creatine supplements as unnecessary, you may be missing out. There are numerous studies proving that creatine’s benefits go well beyond the limited sphere of bodybuilding. Apart from increasing strengths and performance, there are many other ways in which creatine supplements can support your health and well-being, and we’re going to explore them all in this article. So, keep on reading if you want to find out why creatine should become a staple in your wellness regimen.
What is Creatine?
Most people have heard about creatine as a supplement, as these products have become a wildly popular dietary aid for athletes in recent years. There are various types of creatine supplements available on the market, and they usually come in the shape of creatine powder and creatine gummies.
However, very few know that creatine is in fact a substance that the body produces naturally from amino acids and is mostly stored in the muscles and brain. The body accesses creatine when it requires extra energy for high-intensity activities like lifting or sprinting. People can also get creatine from animal sources such as red meat, seafood and dairy. It’s important to note that the amount of creatine these foods contain is much lower than that provided by synthetically produced supplements.
So, even though creatine is a nonessential amino acid that the body can produce on its own, those who engage in intensive workouts can benefit from introducing a creatine supplement into their diets. When it comes to choosing the right creatine supplement, there are several types available. However, consumers should know that not all products are created equal as bioavailability differs based on formulation. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, monohydrate is the most effective form of creatine at the moment, which is why most people opt for creatine monohydrate gummies as one of the easiest and most convenient ways to enjoy the benefits that creatine provides.
Why Taking Creatine Supplements May Be a Good Idea?
While supplement trends come and go and many health and wellness products are surrounded by controversy, creatine is one of the most well-studied dietary supplements on the market whose beneficial effects are backed by a strong body of research.
Some would argue that if you’re not a professional athlete or someone who does high-intensity exercise or vigorous physical activity regularly, taking these types of supplements, whether they come in the form of powder or creatine gummies, is pointless, as a balanced diet is more than enough to ensure optimum creatine levels. However, studies have shown that there might be more to creatine than muscle gains and improving athletic performance. So, let’s take a closer look at what creatine supplements can do for your health and wellness.
Supporting bone health
As people grow older, they start losing bone mass and density, especially after the age of 50. That’s why bone health should be a priority for everyone as it can help ward off conditions such as osteoporosis later in life. Strength training exercises can be extremely useful in this respect since they increase bone mineral density. However, if you’re doing strength training and you’re not taking creatine supplements, you’re probably not reaping the full benefits of your workouts. For the best results, it’s recommended to combine these trainings with creatine supplementation.
Managing type 2 diabetes
It’s a well-known fact that medication paired with a good diet and regular exercise play a crucial role in managing type 2 diabetes. However, an early study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise suggests that creatine may also be of aid in improving insulin sensitivity. Although more research is needed to clarify the correlation between exercise, creatine supplementation and glucose levels, the data we have so far indicates that creatine might be a useful dietary addition for type 2 diabetics.
Boosting brain performance
Creatine’s role in the brain is the same as in the muscles – it serves as an immediate source of energy when metabolic demand increases. When the brain needs to perform prolonged mental activity, it burns a lot of energy, so creatine supplementation can help reduce mental fatigue and maintain brain health and function. This is especially important for vegetarians and vegans who typically have lower levels of creatine given the lack of animal-sourced foods in their diet.
Fighting oxidative stress
The risk of exercise-induced oxidative stress is considerably higher for athletes that undergo intensive physical training. In the absence of proper post-workout recovery, oxidative stress can have damaging effects on muscle health and physical performance. Fortunately, creatine can help in this respect as well due to its antioxidative properties. According to some studies, creatine may decrease oxidative DNA damage during resistance training.
Protection against traumatic brain injury
In addition to all the benefits listed above, creatine can also be a strong ally in protecting the brain against traumatic injury, as suggested by recent research. Although all the studies have been conducted on animal subjects so far, the initial results show that creatine supplementation before and after a brain trauma can limit the extent of the damage. This means that one day creatine may become an effective post-traumatic recovery treatment.
Final Thoughts
As research on the properties and effects of creatine on the body advances, the list of demonstrated benefits is likely to increase. If you’re looking to boost your overall health and well-being, creatine supplements are definitely worth taking into consideration. Even one creatine gummy a day can make a difference in the grand scheme of things. However, keep in mind that it’s important to consult your doctor before taking supplements to avoid any potential risks.