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Can I get in shape on a treadmill?
Are you sick and tired of a treadmill because you have fallen short of the results you expected?

If yes, it is the most appropriate time to reschedule your workout plan on a treadmill to see the results you have been missing.
When done appropriately, a treadmill will not only help you burn fat, but also promote the development of muscles.
However, most people find it quite dull and challenging, but it is the most efficient tool that burns calories.
What matters the most is the intervals at which you work out on a treadmill [1].
Most people make a mistake trudging along with a steady pace. Instead, you should adjust the speed and add some exercises on the floor.
Cindy Wasilewski and Jeff Baird have designed treadmill workouts lasting 20, 30, 0r 60 minutes that are deemed effective in promoting burning calories to help in weight loss.
Best Calorie-burning Workouts on the Treadmill
Focus on Your Heart Rate
By closely monitoring your heart rate, it will ensure that you are getting the best from your workout, avoiding working out too much.
To begin with, count your maximum heart rate, which should be 220 minus your age.
For starters, there can be an increase by 50% to 65% of your maximum heart rate, 65% to 75% for intermediate trainers, and 70% to 85% if you are a professional.
Ensure that you make the necessary adjustments to keep in these ranges of heart rate.
Use Hand Weights
Other than a treadmill, you are also required to have some hand weights plus stability ball that will be used when exercising on the floor.
Please note that it is important to consult with your doctor before you start any new treadmill workout plan for weight loss.
Treadmill Exercises

Treadmill Exercises
According to Cindy Wasilewski, there are two treadmill exercises you can try if you can spare 60 minutes.
This first one is termed as “No Excuses” as it ensures that you get the maximum treadmill workout benefits for the time you invest.
The second one is designed to boost interval training which boosts your cardiovascular endurance. [2].
It is referred to as “interval trek” measures the intensity of your workouts on a scale of 0-10.
For example, at 0, it indicates how you feel when resting or doing nothing, while 10 marks your feeling following a very strenuous workout.
No-Excuses Workout
What are the best treadmill workouts to burn fat? In No-Excuse Workout, you are supposed to start on a treadmill for five minutes adjusting the speed accordingly and then proceed to the floor where you carry out a set of 30 overhead shoulder presses using dumbbells.
This should be alternated with squats before you move on to do another set of bicep curls, also with dumbbells, this time alternating with lunges.
Do not stop at once but instead slow down before finishing on the floor with a set of 30 chest presses using hand weight while seated on a stability ball with your hips freely hanging in the air.
Next, carry out a set of 30 reverse flies using hand weights while still on a stability ball before you finally stretch out and rest.
Interval Trek
Just like with No-Excuses Workout, you are supposed to start the Interval Trek on a treadmill for 5 minutes.
Before you stop, gradually slow down and move to the floor.
- Carry out a set of 30 tricep dips on a bench followed by another set of 30 pushups.
- Move back on the treadmill for five minutes before gradually slowing down and then stop.
- Move on the floor and do a set of 75 abdominal crunches, balancing at 25 each for the center, the right and the left.
- Next, holding for a minute each time, do two sets of planks on your elbow and then stretch.
20-Minute Treadmill Exercises

A 20-minute run on a treadmill could help burn those extra pounds quickly
If you don’t have much time to spend on a treadmill, this 20-minute workout can be of help in burning calories for weight loss.
Running is the main focus of this exercise.
Secondly, it involves climbing whereby you will experience frequent changes in the treadmill’s pace.
The treadmill’s speed for this workout ranges between 4.5 mph and 10 mph.
30-Minute Treadmill Exercises
According to Cindy Wasilewski, this exercise is meant for users with experience.
- In the first 5 minutes, the treadmill should range between 3.5 and 4.5 mph which is equivalent to a walk.
- Increase the speed to 5.0-5.5 mph, equivalent to a speed walk or a jog for 1 minute.
- Next, adjust the speed to 4.0-5.5 mph for the next 2 minutes.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the workout lasting 30 minutes is completed.
Final Verdict
Doing intervals in a treadmill appears to be the key if you want to burn more calories to lose those extra pounds.
Alternating between running for a few minutes at a slow pace followed by bursts into a quicker pace or a sprint helps build your endurance as you become a stronger runner.
Incorporating top supplements for runners and diversifying your routine with floor exercises and weights can also help break the monotony of a treadmill workout.
This will also help you to fit exercise into your busy schedule.
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2 Sources
We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.
[1] Abbasian S, Rastegar Mm M. Is the Intensity or Duration of Treadmill Training Important for Stroke Patients? A Meta-Analysis. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2018 Jan;27(1):32-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2017.09.061. Epub 2017 Nov 3. PMID: 29108807.[2] Metabolic and Cardiovascular Response to the CrossFit Workout ‘Cindy’ :