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Q: Why do women moan loudly during sex and scream when they are orgasming? Does it happen due to pain or pleasure?

Expert Answer
Whether you are watching a movie or reading a book, every scene with a sexual encounter has the woman making noise during her orgasm. It has become so common, that these vocal noises are now expected during intercourse.
It also seems that many men are under the impression that “louder is better”. Now we are beginning to wonder whether these noises are a natural part of the female orgasm process, or do women believe that they are supposed to make them?
Researchers Gayle Brewer, of the University of Central Lancashire and Colin Hendrie, of the University of Leeds, conducted a clinical study on female copulatory vocalization. Their recently published paper has helped explain why do women moan during sex.
Reasons For Moaning During Sex
There has not been an extensive study on why women moan during sex, but the latest research study suggests that it may not be caused as a result of an orgasm.
The study consisted of 71 healthy and sexually active women, who agreed to answer a series of questions concerning the type and amount of noise they made during sex.
These women, who ranged in ages from 18-48, all agreed that there were other reasons for them making those moaning noises during sex.
In fact, 66% of the women admitted to using vocal noises to help their partner reach a climax, while 87% did it to help their partner’s self-esteem [1].
One of the main reasons that these noises do not occur during an female orgasm, is that most women climax during foreplay.
It is more difficult for a woman to have a vaginal orgasm than it is for her to have one through clitoral stimulation.
In fact, most women reported that they had already climax before they began making noises for their partners. Thanks, in part to mainstream media, the majority of men and women feel that these copulatory vocalizations are a normal and necessary part of intercourse.
It is Not Just Humans Moaning During Intercourse
It is not just humans who loudly proclaim their pleasure during sex, researchers in the wild have discovered the same copulatory vocalization with female baboons and macaque monkeys [2].
The female baboons tend to use more complex and varied noises the closer they are to ovulation and how high ranking they mate it in the pack. Female macaques, however, tend to use their vocalizations to help their partner’s orgasm.
What both female humans and primates have in common is that neither actually makes these vocalizations during their orgasm.
Moaning is not faking an Orgasm
Sexual therapists do warn against using copulatory moaning as a way of faking an orgasm. Instead, it should be used in a way that signals your partner that you are enjoying his attention.
During the research study, some women also admitted to using these noises as a way to relieve boredom, pain, or tiredness during intercourse. If this is happening in your relationship, it would be advisable, to be honest with your partner and discuss any issues.
Many women are discovering that uttering small noises can help improve their sexual experience. It can be used to show excitement and pleasure, and show your partner what you really enjoy.
As more and more women are becoming comfortable taking charge in the bedroom, these sexual noises are also being used to teach their partners without having to use words.
Using Copulatory Vocalization in the Bedroom

Using Copulatory Vocalization in the Bedroom
For some women, making noises in the bedroom is simply a turn on as much for them, as it is for their partners. These vocalizations can also help a woman to not only reach an orgasm but to extend its length as well.
Unlike men, a woman will go through four different stages of sexual arousal and desire before she has an orgasm, and sometimes these noises can help her move through these stages.
Just like men enjoy hearing their partners moan in sexual bliss, women it enjoys hearing men moan in pleasure as well. While many women understand that a man’s self-confidence is raised by her vocal confirmation, her self-confidence will also experience a boost.
While the recent study may suggest that women do not necessarily moan because of a vaginal orgasm, it also does not mean that they are faking their enjoyment.
Moaning is a normal and natural part of sexual intercourse, and it can greatly enhance your sex life.
It can show pleasure, and boost self-confidence levels. These copulatory vocal noises can also push partners into climatic orgasms. Sexual intercourse is part of a healthy lifestyle, and so are the many moans that go with it.
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[1]A Moan of Pleasure Should Be Breathy: The Effect of Voice Quality on the Meaning of Human Nonverbal Vocalizations:[2] Information content of female copulation calls in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis):