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Why Sex Plays Crucial Role in a Relationship?

There are hundreds of different ways for couple to have sex, and they all have their benefits.

8 Types of Sex That Bring Two People Closer Together
Can sex bring two people closer than ever? Shutterstock Images

Sex is a form of communication between two people, and it is also one of the most intimate acts that a couple can perform.

It can be a romantic moment of complete trust or a hot and frantic quickie. Whichever form you engage in, it can also be used to bring couples closer together. Here are the different types of sexes.

8 types of sex that bring two people closer together

#1. Leave The Lights on While You are having Sexual Intercourse

It is common for one-night sexual encounters or even for long-time couples to find themselves always having sex with the lights off. For a change of pace, consider leaving the lights on.

Not only will you be able to watch all of his facial expressions during intercourse, but all of your flaws will also be revealed to both of you. It is difficult to get more intimate than that.

#2. Sex in The Middle of The Night

Sex in The Middle of The Night

Sex in The Middle of The Night

These are the fun quickies where you both reach for each other in the middle of the night. These spontaneous quickies are not only fun and satisfying, but they can also bring you closer together in the morning.

#3. Try Something New and Different

Trying anything new can be frightening, and it is even more so when it comes to sex.

Talking and trying new positions or toys, can not only help to improve your sex life. It can also help bring couples closer together.

The new levels of trust and intimacy that develop when you are experimenting together is worth the embarrassment that might have been there initially [1].

#4. Extremely Comfortable Sex

This is only possible for couples who have been together for an extended period of time. This type of sex occurs when couples are so in sync with each other, that their every move is perfectly timed.

While this kind of sex can become boring if it is the only type that you engage in, sometimes it is the perfect ending to a long and stressful day.

#5. Having Sexual Intercourse Without Saying a Word

There are times when this type of sex is a necessity, and it can also help to bring couples closer together.

Whether it is because you are staying at someone else’ house, or there are roommates involved, this type of sexual intercourse will teach couples to communicate in different ways.

As you get to know each other more and more, these interludes will help you to grow closer together.

#6. Sex That Does not Work Out as Planned

Sex That not Planned

Sex That not Planned

Instead of being a disaster, sex that did not work out quite as it was planned can turn into a fun sexual escapade.

Instead of letting cramped muscles and slow starts ruin your evening, laugh at them together and keep going. Not only will the sex be more enjoyable, but these shared mistakes will also help bring you even closer together.

#7. Having Sex Throughout The Entire Day

These are the lazy days, where you spend the entire day in bed. Watch TV together, sleep, and of course make love.

In between, there will also be plenty of intimate conversations that are guaranteed to bring couples closer together. This is the type of sex that can really let couples drop the guards and really open up to each other.

#8. Sex with Someone For the First Time

First Time Sex

Sex with Someone For the First Time

There is nothing that compares to a couple having intercourse for the first time. It is the first truly intimate act that a couple will perform together.

This is when you first get to know your partner and begin to discover their likes and dislikes. Not only is it the anticipation that makes this time so special, but it is also the first time that couples are truly vulnerable to each other.

How Important Is Sex In A Relationship?

These are only a few of the types of sex that can bring couples closer together. Since every couple is different, not every kind of sexual intercourse will work for them.

While some of these types can only be done once, there is no reason why couples cannot try the other types to see which one works for them.

It’s interesting to think about the evolution of sexual practices in relationships throughout history.

Although being “chaste” was considered an absolute necessity in many relationships existing prior to the mid-20th century, particularly in Western cultures, the “use” of sexual intercourse and our views towards it have undergone a fundamental psychological shift throughout the years.

Using the previous example, it is, in some ways, ironic to think that the emphasis on sexual “purity” was combined with an almost entirely utilitarian view of the process, one which rendered sex a tool for procreation.

Although this is, of course, an over-simplification of a more complex topic, it seems reasonable to state that sex has become much more of a pleasurable, emotion-building tool that it has been in previous centuries.

Because of this, many psychologists and sociologists have begun to analyze the relative importance of the sexual activity to a romantic relationship.

Although there is no quantifiable way to address the “relevance” of sex to a large group of people, certain generalizations will obviously be made based upon an average consensus of those being interviewed.

This article is meant to serve as a brief overview of the core elements that sex serves to bolster and support within a romantic relationship.

Readers can use this article to gain more information about recent research into sex and, in the process, gain further insight into their own relationship.

As stated previously, the information presented here is not meant to serve as a unanimous “truth” for all relationships.

The subtle nuances of interpersonal dynamics will obviously vary significantly between couples. Regardless, both men and women may find something of worth here. Enjoy!

Sex as a Tool For Emotional Development

A large number of individuals believe that sexual intercourse is an important tool for cementing the feelings and sentiments developed during the platonic period of a relationship.

Whereas a large number of friendships do not require physical activity in order to maintain the ties they have established, a significant number of couples have stated that sexual activity, at least in the early stages of a romantic relationship, serves a formative function.

On the other hand, it could be argued that this level of physical intensity in the early stages of a relationship may, at times, supplant the emotional development that could have been gained through less “direct” methods of interaction.

Obviously, the merits of these contrasting methods can only be determined by the couple in question. That being said, it is interesting to observe both the interpersonal dynamics and the longevity of relationships that exist within this strikingly different modus operandi.

Sex as a Tool For Pleasure

Obviously, one of the primary benefits of sex during a relationship (or otherwise, for that matter) is the level of pleasure received from the act.

Whereas casual sex retains some of the social taboos established by earlier generations, sex within a relationship setting, even in an “out-of-wedlock” scenario, has become a significant “perk” for both men and women.

It is interesting to consider whether this type of pleasure is sustainable, however. It is common knowledge that, as a couple spends more time together; the frequency of their sexual activity diminishes.

Although the mechanics of the process remain identical, some individuals have reported that their desire for sexual union diminishes.

In this scenario, the point could be argued that sex alone is not a pleasurable enough activity to sustain a relationship over time.

The sentiments expressed by these individuals defend the view that the emotional intensity of a relationship helps “validate” sexual activity.

Because of this, sex may not be as important of a relationship tool as it may have first seemed.

Sex as a Tool For Reproduction

On a strictly biological level, sexual intercourse is of paramount importance to monogamous romantic partnerships if a goal within that relationship is the creation of a child.

As a contrary point of argument, however, it could be observed that sex and procreation exist outside the “confines” of emotional relationships. Whether or not an individual is part of a relationship is irrelevant.

In this particular instance, however, we can observe the importance of cultural and religious values which have developed stigmas concerning the creation of a child outside of marriage.


Like it or not, sex remains a valuable and significant point of focus for individuals in and out of relationships. As our cultural opinions on love and relationships changes, our views and opinions on sex will most likely change with them.

One of the most important aspects of any intimate relationship is the level of trust and closeness that couples experience with each other, and sex plays a large part in this.

There are more open and sharing partners with each other, the stronger the relationship will be. Considering renewing the spark and closeness in your relationship with one of these types of sexual intercourse.

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1 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] The associations of intimacy and sexuality in daily life:

Kate Atkinson

Kate Atkinson, is a Women's Holistic Pelvic Health Care Specialist, Yoni Mapping Therapist, Embodiment & Pleasure Coach and Sex Educato