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Q: I want to find a natural way to make my eyelash grow longer. But I have heard about eyelash abnormalities, does is this really a big problem? Is it referring to any kind of eye disease or its normal?

Expert Answer

The answer to your question would be qualified. It would actually depend on the disease that you are suffering from. For abnormal eyelash growth actually occur even if you have a seemingly natural set of lashes but only have an extra row of it (distichiasis) or that it grows towards your eyes (trichiasis).

Eyelash Growth Abnormalities – Causes and Expert Solution!
Eyelash Growth Abnormalities

Though some of these diseases of eyelashes like eyelash-pulling disorder are actually more concerning for your eye area, mental illnesses like trichotillomania will have you physically pulling your hair off and removing them. Eyelash growth side effect to treating tumors such as in chemotherapy. These conditions are further discussed below.


    Can an eyelash in the eye cause damage? John Hopkins Medicine claims that Trichiasis is a condition characterized by misdirected or abnormally positioned lashes. By reason of this abnormal growth, How eyelashes grow towards the cornea which leads to constant eye irritation, redness, tearing and sensitivity to light?

    This can lead to permanent damage to your eyes and in worst cases, loss of vision. Trichiasis can be treated by epilation, which is the manual removal of the lashes one by one. However, the lashes will grow back if not done regularly.


    Trichotillomania, unlike the other conditions already mentioned in this article, is a mental condition rather than a physical one. Trichotillomania is characterized by an extreme need to pull out one’s hair.

    This could either be hair growing from your scalp, or your eyebrows and even other areas of your body such as on your eyelashes. if you are suffering from this condition it is extremely important that you seek medical help immediately.




    According to the American Optometric Association, eyelash problems Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids causing red, irritated, itchy eyelids and the formation of dandruff-like scales on eyelashes. By reason of this infection on the eyelids, the base of your eyelashes become weak and your lashes will begin to fall out one at a time. This condition could either be temporary and may last 2-4 weeks or could be a chronic illness.


    Distichia is characterized by an abnormal growth of eyelashes on the eyelids. This means that more than one eyelash occupies a single duct. Although distichia usually does not cause discomfort because the lashes are soft, there are occasions where immediate medical help is called for. If not properly treated, some cases of Distichia may cause tearing, inflammation, and irritation to the eyes due to its abnormal growth.


    Tumors are usually remedied by chemotherapy. Although most people have different reactions to chemotherapy, a common side effect of this treatment is hair loss. This applies to hair located in different parts of your body which includes the eyelashes, although this is not as common. A lot of chemotherapy patients complain that their eyelashes go through the process of loss and regrowth in repetitive cycles during the course of their treatment.

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A lot of people recommend using false eyelashes in these situations. It is however highly recommended that you approach your doctor about this first. There are companies that make false eyelashes especially for patients undergoing chemotherapy.

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[1] Trichotillomania
[2] Diseases of the Eyelashes

Donna Fisher

Donna is an award-winning health, wellness, and beauty writer based in Texas. She has also published eBooks and edited several other