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Signs of Depression You Need To Know

We all have times when we feel lonely, sad, or even annoyed at someone or something.

6 Signs of Depression: When Should You See Your Doctor
Depression common signs and symptoms

It is a way of coping with various events in our life, including:

  • loss of close ones
  • getting fired at work
  • breaking up a relationship

However, if you notice that these feelings are lasting longer than they should, they could be a signs of depression.

Before you seek medical help, take a look at some signs that indicate you have the right to be worried.

1. Nothing Can Make You Feel Better

You can feel depression coming couple of weeks now. what’s signs of depression and anxiety? It is not like you haven’t tried to make yourself feel better. However, even your favorite activities seem to be only a short fix that doesn’t last more than an hour or two.

It is vital to make a difference between the sadness[1] that lasts for a long time with a good reason and the one that doesn’t have any reasonable cause.

For example, if you are grieving a loved one, it can be natural to feel sad for weeks or even months.

However, if you think there is no valid reason behind feeling sad for so long, it may be a signs of depression.

2. Your Favorite Activities Are Not So Attractive Anymore

We all get bored with things, but there are some activities that you have been enjoying your entire life, such as watching movies or hanging out with friends.

The problem is you do not feel like doing those things lately. It is not like there are no good movies anymore or that you changed friends – everything stayed the same, but something happened to you.

What are the symptoms of depression and anxiety? The first sign is lack of interest in activities that made you happy before.

Try to catch a moment or two and to analyze whether there is a reason why you do not like these activities anymore or

it is just about not wanting to do anything.

If it is the latter, perhaps it is time to ask for help.

3. No Chance of Getting Proper Sleep

How much sleep is a sign of depression? Disrupted sleep patterns in depression can go either way. You might suffer from insomnia (there is a treatment for insomnia) and have problems [2]falling asleep at night.

At the same time, you may have problems getting up in the morning as you often stay in the bed even more than you should.

These two signs related to sleeping patterns may manifest together or you may notice just one of them.

4. Where There Is No Will, There Is No Way

Those that are suffering from depression are often experiencing fatigue.

Naturally, this may be because you haven’t gotten any proper sleep lately and it may just be that a tiring day is behind you.

If you believe that your fatigue cannot be justified, perhaps depression is behind it.

People suffering from fatigue often face it because they lack the moment of will. Bluntly put, it is hard to move from the chair or bed and do anything.

Once again, make a difference between having such a moment once in a while and dealing with this problem for a time.

5. Everything Annoys You

Even the smallest thing that doesn’t go the way you imagined it to be can annoy you[3].

Things go so far that you are constantly under stress and feel like there are no more nerves left.

Others may be talking to you politely, but you find a detail to use to lash out.

If people are starting to indicate that you have a short temper lately, perhaps it is time to analyze your behavior.

Do you have any underlying concern that causes your stress? In that case, think about what you can do to resolve the problem and feel better.

Otherwise, consider the option that it may be common signs of depression.

6. You Are Feeling Worthless

Depression plays with your mind in multiple ways and one of the most common ones is that it makes you despise yourself for no particular reason.

During these moments, you are feeling guilty even for the smallest thing going wrong and worthless because you should have done better, whether we are talking about a current situation or your life.

Additionally, things do not seem like they will get much better in the future.

In fact, it doesn’t seem you can do anything about it – things are far beyond control.

Try to remind yourself of all the good deeds that you have done and remember that you are a worthy person with friends and family that care about you.


It is not easy to figure out if you have been suffering from depression. In some cases, you may be substituting it for simply feeling sad.

And if you are really dealing with this mental disorder, there may be problems in admitting it.

They say for a good reason that admitting you have an issue is the most important step to resolving it.

Try to be honest with yourself and determine whether there are reasons to worry that you are suffering from depression.

If the answer is yes, do not hesitate to ask for professional help – remember, that is how you can make yourself feel better and start enjoying life again.

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2 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Insomnia and Depression
[3] Mood Instability and Irritability as Core Symptoms of Major Depression: An Exploration Using Rasch Analysis
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William Pullen B.Sc., M.A., MBACP (Accred)

William Pullen is a psychotherapist registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). He practices Inte