In This Article
Cellulite is always an unappealing body feature, but for some people, it can actually be painful. It is a condition when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin. This is more common in people who are already overweight. Women who develop cellulite most commonly have it on their buttocks, thighs, abdomens, and hips.
When men have cellulite, it is most often found on the neck or abdomen. Although cellulite is an extremely common problem, painful cellulite is not. To reduce the pain associated with cellulite, sufferers may have to change their lifestyle or adopt new eating habits.
Does Cellulite Actually Cause Pain?
Cellulite can most certainly cause people pain. They may feel it when they are sitting down or when they are moving. Normally, painful cellulite occurs in stage 3 of the Nurnberg-Muller scale.[1]
During this stage, the person may notice visible dimples in their skin when they are standing or lying down. They may also see nodules, raised areas, or changes in the skin’s texture.
What Actually Causes Cellulite Pain?
Most women will end up having some cellulite in their lives. If the cellulite is painful, it is normally a sign that someone has too much fat on their body.[2]
Being overweight can also lead to serious health problems and chronic medical conditions. These include heart problems, some kinds of cancer, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and diabetes.
Over the last 20 years, the rate of obesity has risen drastically in the United States. By 2010, an estimated 64 percent of Americans were overweight or obese.
Typically, cellulite is formed when fats or fluids build up in subcutaneous tissue. This fatty tissue is linked to the skin through connective fibres known as septae.
When the septae become rigid or weak, they can pull down on fat cells. This ends up resulting in an uneven appearance for the skin. During this process, nerve endings can end up getting compressed.
This makes them tender to the touch and can cause pain. If your skin has started to show these signs it’s high time you start using anti cellulite cream Life’s Butter that has natural ingredients[3] that help fight cellulite and makes your skin feel nourished.
What are the Symptoms and Indications of Painful Cellulite?
Most people will notice that their cellulite gradually becomes tenderer when it is touched. Some sufferers have reported feeling a dull ache in the area.
When someone sits or lays down in a certain way, this pain may increase. Visibly, the person may notice dimpled skin or an orange peel-like texture. It may also look like cottage cheese is beneath the skin’s surface.
These last few indications are signs of cellulite. If the area where the cellulite is present hurts, it shows that the individual has developed painful cellulite. If the area where the cellulite is present hurts, it shows that the individual has developed painful cellulite. If you’re concerned about painful cellulite, prioritize seeking medical advice. Additionally, programs like My cellulite solution reviews mention that the program’s emphasis on exercises, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications, helped them manage their cellulite symptoms, including pain.
What are the Stages of Cellulite?
- At stage 0, the individual will not see any dimpling or visible signs of cellulite. Stage 1 of cellulite will also have no visible signs.
- At stage 1, the cellulite will only appear if the skin is pinched.
- By stage 2, the cellulite will only be visible if the person is standing up.
- When cellulite enters stage 3, the cellulite is easy to see when they are standing up or lying down. It may also be accompanied by pain or changes to the skin’s texture.
What Should People do if They Experience Painful Cellulite?
By the time someone experiences painful cellulite, it is often too late. Prevention works far better than curing cellulite. If they already have painful cellulite, the first thing the individual should do is start a fitness plan, as cellulite go away with exercise.[4]
By eating healthily and working out, they can begin to lose weight and reduce their cellulite. There are also cellulite creams available that can encourage fat loss and better blood circulation.
Most doctors also advise drinking plenty of water, reducing alcohol intake and eating plenty of vegetables in order to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
4 Sources
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[2] Cellulite Pain :
[3] Anti-cellulite cream :
[4] Fitness plan :