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CBD Oil Overview
Cannabidiol, or CBD, has become one of the most popular natural cannabinoids supplements used by the general population to treat a wide range of health conditions ranging from cold symptoms to much more serious diseases such as cancer.

This ingredient is extracted from plants in the Cannabis plant family and is usually prepared in a type of oil. The oil is then utilized by a user in order to help them alleviate certain symptoms or to provide them with an improvement in their general wellbeing.
CBD oil has a rich history and has been used as a natural healing remedy since ancient times. The plants from which this ingredient is derived, most often the marijuana plant or the hemp plant, have also been used in many different industries and for a large number of different purposes over the past centuries, ranging from building material to cannabidiol food and much more.
While popular amongst the general population and also scientifically-proven to provide several benefits when used to treat certain diseases, there have been quite a lot of issues regarding the legal status of cannabidiol, as well as the use of the plants from which the compound in extracts, in the last few years.
Earlier in the 19th century, the legal status of all cannabis plant varieties changes with the Marijuana Tax Act declaring that these plants, and any compounds extracted from such a plant, be classified as strictly regulated.
Later, in the 1970s, the Controlled Substances Act was published, stating that even non-psychoactive compounds extracted from the hemp plant, such as cannabidiol, should be classified as a CBD oil Schedule 1 substance.
In recent years, the legality surrounding CBD has shifted quite a lot and sometimes even frequently. Fortunately, the world has evolved into a time where CBD oil is now widely recognized for its numerous health benefits, and also used by millions of people.
Thus, the oil is not considered an illegal substance in most parts of the world and can often be obtained from a local health store, but recent changes introduced by the DEA has created some concern about the future legality of CBD and hemp.
In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the new Final Rule introduced by the DEA, as well as take a closer look at why people use CBD and how beneficial the product truly is.
What Is CBD Oil?

CBD Whole Plant Hemp Processing
Before we consider what CBD oil is used for and how the new changes in certain areas related to the laws governing CBD, marijuana, and hemp affect the current usage of these hemp derived products, we should first consider what CBD is and also take a look at what CBD oil is, the most common form of CBD used by millions of people.
Firstly, it is important to note that CBD is an abbreviation that describes cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is a key component found in plants classified within the genus Cannabis plant family.
While cannabidiol is found in abundance within many cannabis plants, including the popular marijuana plant, it is not the most popular of the two key components that make up these plants. The most popular key component is known as THC, an abbreviation used to describe tetrahydrocannabinol.
There is a distinct difference between CBD and THC that should be understood by any person looking to use or understand this particular component. explains that THC is the component found in cannabis plants that causes a person to experience a psychoactive effect, more commonly called a “high”.
CBD, on the other hand, does not cause such a “high” effect and is classified as a non-psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant.
Cannabidiol only makes up one of the many chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant, classified as cannabinoids. It is found within the resin glands, also known as the trichomes, of the cannabis plant – specifically the female species of the cannabis plant.
These cannabinoids are classified as agonists. When ingested into the human body, they bind to cannabinoid receptors.
The majority of cannabinoid receptors are contained within the central nervous system of the human body, but there are other receptors that are located in other parts of the body.
The digestive tract, reproductive organs and the skin are only some examples of other body parts that also contain cannabinoid receptors.
The cannabinoid receptors make up the endocannabinoid system in the human body, a system that has a part to play in mood and memory, motor control, reproduction, pain perception, sleep and sleep.
This particular system also plays a part in the functionality of the immune system, as well as in the regulation of a person’s appetite. Scientific studies also found evidence that the endocannabinoid system is important for proper and healthy bone development. [1]
Thus, by considering all of the functions that the system is involved in, it is no wonder that these extracts have so many potential positive effects in the human body and why they are used by so many people.
CBD Oil Benefits Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs

CBD Oil Benefits Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs
CBD Oil has been proven to provide many benefits to the human body. In fact, according to the Ministry of Hemp, a recent study surveyed a total of 2,400 people who are using CBD oil or other products that contain cannabidiols to determine how the effects of this compound compare to pharmaceutical drugs when it comes to treating certain diseases and medical conditions. [2]
At the end of the survey, it was found that as much as 42% of the participants had stopped using their pharmaceutical drugs and have completed moved over to the cannabidiol products they started to use due to the efficiency experienced by these compounds as compared to the effects of the pharmaceutical drugs.
Additionally, CBD oil and other products that contain this compound also tend to have a lower risk of side-effects associated with the use of such a product; thus posing as a safer treatment for diseases as compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
At least 80% of the participants who completed the survey rated the effectiveness of treating their depression, insomnia, anxiety or joint pain with CBD oil as either very effective or extremely effective.
This is quite impressive when compared to the low amount of people who usually rate many other natural treatment substances as very effective or extremely effective.
There are quite a large number of uses for CBD oil. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil are well-known by most people today, but there are many other uses for this oil as well.
Research explains that CBD oil also possesses the following medicinal properties and benefits [3]:
- Antiemetic Properties – CBD Oil is known to assist in reducing nausea and eliminating vomiting. This is not only beneficial in reducing these symptoms when stomach upset is experienced but also becomes beneficial when a person experiences nausea and vomiting as a side-effect to certain types of medication. Medication used to treat cancer, for example, often causes these side-effects, which can be effectively alleviated with the use of CBD Oil.
- Anticonvulsant Properties – Another great benefit of CBD Oil is its anticonvulsant properties, which is a term used to describe any compound that has the ability to suppress seizures. CBD oil has been used to effectively reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures in both adults, including the elderly, and children.
- Antipsychotic Properties – Psychosis disorders are quite common amongst the general population and can affect both children and adults. The medication utilized to treat such a disorder is often linked to many unpleasant side-effects.
With the use of CBD oil, psychosis disorders can be effectively treated, and the symptoms can be significantly reduced without causing the side-effects usually associated with the use of pharmaceutical drugs that are meant to treat these series of disorders.
- Anti-Tumor Properties – Often considered one of the most opportunistic benefits of CBD oil, its anti-tumour and anti-cancer properties had been proven to assist with fighting against the development of cancerous cells and tumours within the human body. Not only has it been proven that CBD oil has the ability to prevent the development of such cells, but it was also found that CBD oil has the potential to actually destroy those cancerous cells that have already developed. Today, this oil is often utilized in combination with pharmaceutical drugs that treat cancer to increase the success rate of the treatment plan.
- Anxiolytic and Anti-Depressant Properties – The effects of CBD oil do not only benefit the physiological wellbeing of the human body but also has numerous potential benefits for the mind. We have already discussed the fact that CBD oil has been shown to possess promising effects when it comes to treating psychotic diseases.
Additionally, it has also been found that CBD oil possesses anti-depressant and anxiolytic properties. This means that the oil may be beneficial in treating depression, as well as relieving the symptoms of anxiety disorders.
- Analgesic Properties – While the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil are also very impressive, it is important to know that inflammation and pain are often accompanied by each other; thus a solution to provide relief in both of these is often required for proper treatment of certain ailments and diseases. Fortunately, CBD oil possesses analgesic properties, thus the compound is not only effective in reducing inflammation in the body but may also help to eliminate pain that accompanies the inflammation – or pain that is -a disorders.
- Anti-Oxidant Properties – Another powerful effect of CBD oil is the anti-oxidant properties the oil possesses. Anti-oxidants are very important for the wellbeing of the human body and usually assists with protecting the body at a cellular and DNA level.
The anti-oxidant properties of CBD oil have been proven to offer a reduced risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders, and may also be beneficial in treating the complications caused by these diseases and disorders once diagnosed in a patient.
Apart from the particular medicinal properties of CBD oil we have mentioned above, it should be noted that the oil also has many other contributing health benefits and medicinal properties that can be obtained through the use of products that contain high-quality cannabidiols.
The Hemp Oil Benefits explains that CBD oil is also often used to treat certain health conditions and symptoms related to back pain and diseases that cause chronic pain, migraines, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia and post-traumatic stress disorder. Some evidence also exists that CBD oil may be beneficial in treating alcoholism.
How To Use CBD Oil?
While considered safe, CBD oil can cause side-effects in some patients. The potential side-effects that CBD oil may cause becomes more likely to occur with the incorrect administration of this oil, especially when too much of the oil is used during a single administration.
When too much CBD oil is used during administration or inappropriate administration methods are utilized, then side-effects that could develop, according to Elixinol, includes lightheadedness, drowsiness, low levels of blood pressure and dry mouth. [4]
People diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease may also experience an increase in their tremors. The activity of p-glycoprotein and some drug transporters may also be reduced through the use of CBD oil.
Tasty Hemp Oil explains that the most common form of CBD oil is a tincture, which usually comes in a container equipped with a dropper. The dropper is usually included to help make measurements easier and more accurate; thus reducing the risk of taking too much CBD oil. [5]
Furthermore, they also recommend ensuring that the bottle obtained from a seller is still sealed in order to make sure there is no human error or other suspicious factors involved.
The first step to using CBD oil is to shake the bottle to ensure the oil and other ingredients in the bottle mixes. This ensures you obtain an adequate amount of cannabidiol.
After shaking the bottle, fill up the dropper that comes included with the product. If no dropper was included, then use a separate dropper.
Ensure you only fill up the dropper up to the dosage level you should consume for your particular requirements. The final step is to use the dropper to place the CBD oil underneath your tongue.
Note that in many cases, more than one dropper might be required for optimum benefits. While dosage instructions are often provided by the manufacturer or the product label, it is okay if you go a little over the dosage restriction provided on the label of the bottle.
It is important to experiment with different doses until you find what works best for you.
The DEA’s Final Rule: What This Means For You And Your CBD Oil

DEA’s Final Rule
Are Cannabinoids Legal? Even though cannabidiol, or CBD, is a key compound found in the Marijuana plant, this particular compound does not cause the “high” that has been associated with the THC content found in the same plant.
Thus, it has for a long time been considered that cannabidiol is a more legal compound found in the Marijuana plant since it does not cause the same effects as THC, which is the compound that causes many people to continuously smoke “weed” so that they can experience a high.
Compounds that contain THC is usually considered illegal, although recent laws in some states within the United States have legalized the compound (often only for medical use due to the medicinal properties offered by THC).
In 2016, things changed a little in regards to the use of CBD oil, as well as products that contain CBD and THC. The DEA has released a report that provided new details on the legal status of CBD oil and other compounds extracted from the marijuana plant.
The new changes to the laws governing these compounds have been classified as the “Final Rule”. After publishing these new changes, many publications have immediately responded to these changes and claimed that the DEA has officially declared CBD oil usage to be illegal in the United States.
Should CBD oil be declared as illegal in the country, it would bring devastation to many people. Not only would those fighting for the right of hemp usage, as well as CBD and marijuana usage, be affected, but those individuals who depend on CBD oil on a daily basis to help them fight against certain diseases they have been diagnosed with would also find such a movement in the law around marijuana and CBD oil to have a significant impact on their health.
Fortunately, it does not seem like things are as serious or severe as initially thought – or at least not as severe as the claims made by the media publications who immediately reported the DEA has declared “war” on the legal status of CBD oil in the country.
The Hemp Industries Association, a company that has been fighting for the right to utilize hemp, as well as extracts of the plant, for more than two decades, has provided a response to the media outraged caused by the DEA’s new movement and explained that things are not as bad as some make it seem.
The Hemp Oil Benefits has published an overview of the report that was published by the Hemp Industries Association to provide a clearer overview of the DEA’s changes in regards to the use of hemp and CBD products. [6]
The Hemp Industries Association has discussed the recent changes with their team of lawyers and has come up with the conclusion that the public needs to realize that hemp is not considered the same as marijuana, even though it comes from the same plant family, being genus Cannabis.
For this reason, cannabidiol is technically not considered to be part of the controlled substances schedule set out by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Still, it should be noted that the DEA has mentioned CBD to be a controlled substance in the past – both in their case that was brought up in 2001 and now, once again, with the Final Rule.
Secondly, we should note that the Final Rule published by the Drug Enforcement Administration does not actually make any changes to the current stance of scheduling on controlled substances.
The only official changes that were implemented by this publication made by the DEA is in connection with the recordkeeping of controlled substances; thus no changes have been made on how cannabidiol or hemp is classified in regards to scheduling.
Previously, all products related to the genus Cannabis plant family were classified under the same code number. This has often caused some confusion when it comes to classifying certain cannabis plants and extracts of such a plant.
Thus, the New Rule by the DEA has created a separate classification for “marihuana extracts” to provide a more effective method of recordkeeping.
It was noted that no changes in the legality of CBD have been made by this particular law. This, however, does not mean that the DEA will not target the laws governing the use of CBD oil in the future.
It should be noted that the DEA has proposed the new classification of “marihuana extracts” previously in 2011. This was before the Farm Bill was published. In the particular proposal set out by the DEA, no mentions of either hemp or CBD was made specifically.
Final Verdict
CBD oil is an effective alternative treatment for many serious health conditions, as well as some more common health ailments like the common cold.
One of the most beneficial facts about the utilization of this oil in the treatment of these medical conditions is the fact that it does not cause the same side-effects as pharmaceutical drugs, yet has been scientifically-proven to be effective and safe.
Additionally, CBD oil can also often be utilized to reduce the side-effects of certain pharmaceutical treatments, such as nausea caused by a cancer treatment plan.
Unfortunately, The New Rule published by the DEA has caused many people to become concerned about the future of CBD products and their legality.
In this post, we aimed to provide an overview of what CBD oil is and why it is so popular, as well as looking at what the DEA’s new Final Rule has in store for those using these products.
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6 Sources
We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.
[1] Rossi F, Tortora C, Punzo F, et al. The Endocannabinoid/Endovanilloid System in Bone: From Osteoporosis to Osteosarcoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(8):1919. Published 2019 Apr 18. doi:10.3390/ijms20081919[2] Rapin L, Gamaoun R, El Hage C, Arboleda MF, Prosk E. Cannabidiol use and effectiveness: real-world evidence from a Canadian medical cannabis clinic. J Cannabis Res. 2021;3(1):19. Published 2021 Jun 23. doi:10.1186/s42238-021-00078-w
[3] What Research Says About CBD Oil?:
[4] Known and Potential Side Effects of CBD Hemp Oil:
[5] How to Use Hemp Oil?:
[6] Hilderbrand RL. Hemp & Cannabidiol: What is a Medicine?. Mo Med. 2018;115(4):306-309.