In This Article
What was once an alternative treatment has gone mainstream, as it is on the shelves of many pharmacies and convenience stores:

This is precisely what happened with CBD cannabidiol after it became legal in the US. Both of product potency and safety are critical elements since even the most potent CBD cannabidiol product will not be ideal if it is contaminated.
Want the best CBD product that is safe to use? Then understand that contamination can easily happen in parts of the world where quality assurance processes are not followed.
American manufacturers of non-GMO certified products, do have the upper hand when it comes to quality, as we will explain – but first, consider potency.
Understanding CBD Potency:
The very first step before taking CBD is to have it cleared by your Doctor and let them guide you on the dosage – and importantly, let them help you review it early.
People may think that since they have a serious condition, they’d wish to start with a strong dosage, but this may not be the best approach. In reality, it is normal for the body to get used to CBD and for this reason, people typically start with a weaker CBD concentration, gradually scaling it up.
Tinctures VS topical CBD cream VS capsules?

CBD tablets are an easy way to integrate into your lifestyle. Image credit: The CBD Online Store
According to the CBD online store, a retailer of high quality Elixinol products which only deals in CBD products that are 3rd party lab tested, there is a version of the product released in capsules, where each capsule contains 15mg of pure full-spectrum CBD and another 375mg of hemp (For full specifications on these Elixonol CBD tablets visit their website).
These tablets are generally more potent than most CBD tinctures, but it has to do with how the product is absorbed. For example a CBD topical cream is applied locally, so if you are treating inflammation at an injured part of the body, this product is preferred over a tincture that is absorbed into the bloodstream orally, passing through the entire circulatory system.
But tablets, are absorbed into the digestive system – so if you imagine someone seeking relieve of menstrual pain, colon pain and other deep tissue areas nearer the lower-half of the body, it is understandable that tablets provide a better reach than tinctures.
Tinctures on the other hand allow for more rapid absorption of CBD oil nearer the brain tissue areas, before reaching other parts of the body.
The above shows exactly why it is important to ask your Doctor not only about the potency of the CBD you should buy – but also the best absorption method, whether that will be through a tincture, capsule, topical cream, gummies or whichever of the available methods that may be on offer.
Product Safety and Certification:
Right now, since CBD cannabidiol became legal in the US, so many pharmacies and retailers are adding it to their shelves. US farmers are unlikely to have sufficient raw products so large corporations may look towards China. In fact, the US congressional research service makes not secret of the fact that the bulk of US hemp imports originate from China [1]. According to the IISD, around 20% of Chinese soil is contaminated with metals, let alone other forms of chemical contamination that occur in an industrial nation of this proportion [2].
How can US Retailers Proof their Products are Safe to Use?
This example provided by Elixinol, is what product certification looks like. It is typically carried out by a 3rd party. Consumers are well advised only to purchase CBD in cases where certification is available as per the example here [3].
Online retailers all display product certification so that those who buy CBD online, can gather the necessary assurances on safety prior to placing an order.
The risks associated with poor product choices, are essentially that the product may not be produced from CBD isolate of a good genetic strain, or that the soil may have been contaminated by industrial waste – or, that even with clean soil, the hemp plants may have been treated with pesticides in order to save the crop. In any of these situations, the strict interpretation is that the product has been “compromised”, which means it is not a good choice.
FDA oversight and future regulation:

FDA has approved some CBD products.
According to the FDA, it needs to advance it’s continued evaluation of pathways to regulate CBD. The lawful marketing of CBD infused food and drink products is one of the critical areas to evaluate. So far, this includes warning letters to companies that make unfounded claims about the benefits of CBD – particularly that which is aimed at vulnerable segments of the population [4].
The mode of delivery, whether that be ingestion, absorption or inhalation (vaping) is also an area to be assessed if future limitations are to be enacted.
The consequences of discontinuing important medication and switching to CBD without consulting a Doctor, can be severe for vulnerable people. For this reason, analysts are expecting the FDA to follow through with more reforms and guidelines.
There is a clear difference between a Doctor recommending CBD for a specific cause – and companies misleading people to subscribe to the idea of a “wonder drug” without scientific proof.
Read Next: What Are The Health Benefits Of CBD Oil?
CBD Potency Testing – Conclusion
Given the high demand for CBD and the fact that millions of people globally are using it, there will inevitably be retailers who sell inferior products for a quick profit. Searching for cheap CBD without product certification is therefore not advisable.
Most people will take CBD for months or even the rest of their lives when treating a chronic illness. For this reason, and until the law properly regulates each quality aspect associated with CBD production, it is a case of buyer beware: which means verifying product certification prior to purchasing.
As far as CBD dosages are considered, consult with your Doctor to find the right dosage to start with – as well as on how to adjust dosages over time.
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We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.
[1] Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity:[2] Cleaning up Toxic Soils in China: A trillion-dollar question:
[4] Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on new steps to advance agency’s continued evaluation of potential regulatory pathways for cannabis-containing and cannabis-derived products: