Lauren Ann Teeter, MS, CNS, LCSW

Writer & Consultant (Integrative & Fx Medicine)

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  • Functional Nutritionist
  • Curriculum Coordinator
  • Full-Time Work in Health Science Research/communications.
  • She has worked in the field as a trauma therapist as well as with individuals with mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Professional Skill

  • Espouses an integrative approach to optimizing overall health and wellness.
  • Extensive knowledge and passion regarding the role of nutrition science
  • Geeks out on the research in the emerging fields of Nutritional Psychiatry, Nutrigenomics, as well as Psychoneuroimmunology.


Perceptions and Values

  • Lauren views the human body through a functional biochem lens, assessing for various biomarkers that give us a clearer depiction of human health on a continuum of wellness to disease.
  • She is very passionate about empowering others on how diet and lifestyle can favorably influence their health regardless of their genes.
  • When she isn’t researching or writing, you can find Lauren on her bike or with her loved pup, Olls.

About Consumer Health Digest

Consumer Health Digest, a Kyzooma Brand, is your trusted resource for reliable, empathetic, and up-to-date information on wellness topics and product reviews that matter most to you. Our reach is more than 100 million readers. Consumer Health Digest content is fact checked and reviewed by our Medical Expert Board for accuracy and integrity. Learn more about us and our editorial process.