Holly Campbell

Certified Health Coach & Nutritionist

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LocationLos Angeles Metropolitan Area
SchoolErskine College


  • Bachelor of Arts, Spanish and Business Administration - Erskine College


  • Certified Health Coach - Colitiscope Nutrition
  • Global Customer Advocacy Marketing Manager - Barracuda
  • Marketing Communications Manager - Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc.

Professional Accomplishments

  • Author of "If you are what you eat, should I eat a skinny girl?"
  • Founder of Colitiscope Nutrition


  • Certified Health Coach - Precision Nutrition
  • Certified Personal Trainer - (ISSA) International Sports Sciences Association
  • Certified AdvocateHub Associate - Influitive
  • Account-Based Marketing Foundations - LinkedIn
  • Inbound Marketing Certification - Hubspot Acedmy
  • HubSpot Academy Email Marketing Certification


Holly Fowler is a certified health coach and personal trainer. She was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2008, the summer after her freshman year of college. After years of living with constant brain fog, fatigue, and pain, she discovered the power of nutrition and lifestyle changes.

With a few tweaks into her diet and lifestyle, she was able to find healing in her body, and her energy increased. Her personal health conditions and healing experience inspired her to start Colitiscope Nutrition where she helps her clients to get better health through simple nutritious food and lifestyle strategies. She helps people with Crohn's and Colitis.

In order to run a successful business as a Health Coach she focused on her own personal health and that’s why, her style of coaching focuses on diet, health, lifestyle, mindset, stress management, and fitness.

As a fellow patient with Ulcerative Colitis who has battled this for 9 years, Holly has experimented with and researched different methods to improve gut health.

When she is not studying the microbiome, you will find her traveling the world, running the next Spartan race, or cuddling with her pitbull, Kona.

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