Angela Elizabeth Marie

Certified Yoga & Aerial Yoga Instructor

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Personal Quote

"Eating is a necessity. Cooking is an art"


Her main goal in life is to help adults get into the best shape of their life in body, mind, and spirit. Life’s not about yo-yo diets, burning fat, building muscle, or practicing yoga every day (although she does recommend it), life is about finding your passion, doing what fuels you, and most importantly, being healthy and happy.

That looks like something different to everybody.

One thing she’ve learned is that everybody is on their own journey, and in the end, it’s a race against time, but it’s only with ourselves so be kind. Rather than compare or compete, what if just supported one another to be the best that we can be, what if we all just aligned?

She created her website which shares her work such as meditations, yoga and fitness programs and services which she created to help you live more consciously. to function better in your body, to vibrate higher, and make you feel fantastic AF

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