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While aging is considered as a natural process of growing old, a report by NCBI indicates that it could actually be as a result of a significant number of causes. These factors indeed play a role in determining whether we gracefully grow old or happen to grow faster than our biological age.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Fast Aging? : 10 things that lead to early aging
Causes Of Fast Aging

It happens all the time we look at ourselves in the mirror and suddenly realize some age spot or wrinkle on the skin that has not been there previously. So what causes aging of our skin really?

Every woman tends toward having perfect skin. It is an almost unavoidable problem for every woman to keep her skin from aging. And there are also a lot of   anti-aging ingredients that you should look for in your skincare products. Kremotex is an anti-wrinkle cream that contains apple stem cells, a cutting-edge skin care component that has the potential to reverse the aging process and rejuvenate your skin.

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1. Exposure to the sun

Sun is one of the major factors that causes premature skin aging. It is actually responsible for the age spots, reduced elasticity of the skin and wrinkles appearing on our skin.[1] Depending with the amount of time our skin is exposed to the sun can actually determine whether the skin starts aging faster than expected.

Radiations from the sun are responsible for the destruction of collagen fibers in the skin through oxidation making the skin to become less elastic- a phenomenon referred to as solar elastosis. This process also plays a role in damaging the genetic material of the skin cells causing an unusual division of cells. This, in turn, causes malignant and pre-malignant skin lesions making the skin to appear rough and wrinkled.

The process of skin aging is a complex phenomenon influenced by various extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight further damages the sebaceous glands causing the skin to become sensitive- usually referred to as sunburns. It is an anti aging cream which may help you to protect from aging effects.

2. Smoking


How Smoking Affect’s You?

Smoking may seem to be a hobby to many little do they realize it is causing their skin to age faster than normal. This lifestyle actually causes fine lines to appear on areas where the skin is very thin especially on the sides of the eyes and the upper lip. Normally, the fine lines will appear several years later for non-smokers.

There are many vitamins to take to look younger, but eventually Stop worrying about aging. You won’t be able to avoid it anyway. The premature wrinkles and fine lines appearing on the skin of smokers are attributed to a reduction in the level of vitamin C in their blood when compared to the level found in the blood of non-smokers.

Vitamin C is an essential component used in the production of collagen fibers that are vital in ensuring the elasticity of the skin. Lack of the vitamins, therefore, affects the production of these fibers thus making the skin to appear old than the actual age. In this case, to ensure a youthful and healthy skin, it is important to quit smoking as soon as you can.

3. A diet rich in simple carbohydrates and low in protein

A diet rich in simple sugars and sweets is responsible for the loss of skin elasticity as it becomes more rigid. To counter this, it is advisable to take diets highly rich in proteins that serve a vital role in the production of protein structures that guarantee a youthful and healthy appearance of the skin.

4. A diet low in fresh fruits and vegetables

low diet in fruits and vegetables

Well-Balanced Diet

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of antioxidants. While we are prone to accelerated oxidation due to exposure to the sun radiations, chronic diseases, and air pollution, it is crucial that fruits and vegetables are included in our daily diets to neutralize the oxidative damages caused by various factors. Lycopene, beta-carotene, and lutein are among the major antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables that ensure our skin remains healthy-looking.

Is there a fountain of youth? That’s a question that many people have asked themselves when they saw a wrinkle on their face or when they thought that there was no solution for their skin aging. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are good sources of Vitamin C which are essential in the production of collagen.


5. Genetics

Naturally, the body has the ability to produce enzymes that serve the role of antioxidants while correcting possible damages to our DNA-the genetic code present in body cells. The antioxidant enzymes, therefore, play a crucial role in effectively repairing the damaged body cells as a result of normal aging.

However, the ability to repair damaged body cells by the antioxidant enzymes and the number of such antioxidants produced by the body depends the genes passed down from parents. The degree of damage on the skin with the aging process, therefore, can be affected by hereditary factors from parents down to the kids.



Stress Management for Healthy Lifestyle

Prolonged stress actually accelerates the production of cortisol-a stress hormone and adrenaline. The stress hormone is known to accelerate the aging process by suppressing the normal synthesis of connective tissues and accelerating osteporotic processes that cause damages to the bone density and changing the bone structure. This ultimately causes sagging of the skin on the cheeks-a sign of aging.

7.Poor sleep patterns

Poor sleep causes aging faster. During the stage of a deep sleep, a growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary glands in the brain.[2] The growth hormone is in turn responsible for keeping various body tissues intact as well as taking part in their repair and renewal. This includes skin tissue. Poor sleeping patterns and prolonged lack of sleep will thus become evident on the face as a sign of aging quickly than normal.

8.Alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and Drugs Consumption

Alcohol becomes the most abused drug in the present day. Study suggests, alcohol drinking speed up aging and excessive consumption can causes extensive damages to the skin texture and color.[3] It also affects the eye sockets greatly causing bulged eyes. Besides that, alcohol consumption may cause the appearance of redness on the cheeks and nasal bridge as well as the appearance of capillaries. These are evident early signs of aging.[4]

9.Body weight

When one is too thin or too heavy, the signs of aging fast are real. In the case of underweight scenarios, there is a reduced amount of natural fats in the facial structure making the skin to appear saggy and appearance of wrinkles.

On the other hand, overweight cases lead to various chronic illnesses that come about as a result of inactivity as we age.

In the case of underweight scenario, one simply needs to add a few pounds to the body to make the face look softer and wrinkle-free. For the case of overweight individuals, targeted exercises can help put the entire body in shape and avoiding any signs of premature aging.


“Choices have consequences.” Every person makes choices on a daily basis, and the choices they make may hinder or help the aging process. For instance, making the choice to work out regularly can be greatly helpful to prevent the primary cause of premature aging and keep the entire body in good shape and form.[5] On the other hand, choosing to use harsh chemicals or creams on your body will lead to faster aging.

It is important to keenly watch what you get on and into your body to be able to maintain that young and healthy-looking skin. It is important therefore that you make the right choices, do the right things and you will be able to age gracefully. Have a look over Teamine Eye Complex Review; which may help to decrease puffiness around the eye area and prevent the appearance of aging signs and wrinkles.

There are quite many natural interventions you may apply in case you intend to turn around the clock other than resorting to the harsh chemical alterations that are hitting the market every single day. Some choices may appear inconsequential, little do you realize the impact they will have on your aging process.

Always endeavor to drink enough water to keep all body organs functioning optimally. Water is essential in regulating the body temperatures, digestion, flushing out of toxins and carrying nutrients to the various body cells.

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Beverly Hills MD Deep Wrinkle Filler


Taking the right steps towards improving your wellness and overall health comes in handy to help boost a naturally-youthful-looking skin. Do not worry about what causes aging, simply concentrate on improving your wellness and making the right choices. Making those lifestyle changes will help protect your skin against the various factors that may cause your skin to start aging right in front of your eyes.

In today’s world, people are living longer due to healthy lifestyles and diets, and many individuals are looking for ways to look as healthy and good on the outside as they feel on the inside. Your skin is all about the choices you make, and with the right choices, premature aging has no place in your life. According to dermatologists, there are effective wrinkle creams and serums.

Aging is inevitable, although we would like to know a magic formula to eternal youth and tight, glowing skin.  here you will find the most important things you should know about anti-aging products and wrinkle creams. Setting a date with a dermatologist is also a good option at hand to help restore your smooth and youthful-looking skin.

There are new less invasive treatments and procedure that can be recommended to help you in smoothing those wrinkles, tightening your skin and improving your complexion once again. However, you may also peep on some best anti-aging cream reviews on our website, which will surely help you to take correct decision for your skincare.

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