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Did you know you can eat your way to fabulous, youthful skin? Exposure to celebrity culture in different media formats leads us to believe expensive treatments are necessary to take years off of appearance. However, healthy lifestyle is your best bet. In order to look younger, you have to exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and make wiser decisions in terms of food you eat.

How To Look Younger Than Your Age With Anti-Ageing Diet?
Best Anti Ageing Diet

You may also take a quick scan at DerMend Fragile Skin Cream review on our site which may also support you look younger. Everything you eat can either benefit your skin or make it dull and lifeless. To help you out, this post is going to help you adjust your diet to look younger.

What should be included in the diet for younger skin?

You can’t stop the natural aging process, but you can consume nutritious foods that protect your health and supply the skin with much-needed vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to stay firm and nourished. Just like other parts of your body, skin also needs certain nutrients to function adequately. Below, you can see the list of foods that make you look younger.

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Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is considered the healthiest oil on the planet thanks to amazing health benefits it provides. Not only it lowers blood pressure, prevents metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, olive oil can help skin appear younger. Studies show that, this oil has antioxidant properties that prevent photoaging.[1] The primary culprit for photoaging is sun exposure. In addition, olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which improve skin elasticity and reduce the risk of sun damage in both genders.[2]

Green tea

Green tea

Anti Aging Diet for Skin

After the healthiest oil in the world, we’re moving on to the most beneficial tea you can drink. Green tea is abundant in antioxidants which destroy free radicals and prevent oxidative damage. It is particularly rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that allow green tea to delay collagen aging.[3]

The Dermatologic Surgery published results of the study which showed that participants who applied green tea cream and took supplements for 8 weeks experienced improvements in skin elasticity.[4]


Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene with tremendous potential to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, stroke, and other health conditions. You can also add tomato in the diet to look younger as well.
Why? Studies show that lycopene can protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. You should also bear in mind that preparing tomatoes with healthy fats like olive oil can improve the body’s ability to absorb lycopene and allows you to get the maximum out of it.



Diet for Youthful Skin

Everybody loves avocado and now you have an additional reason to eat it – youthful skin. Avocado is abundant in healthy fats and one study discovered that consumption of monounsaturated fats was strongly associated with improved skin elasticity in women.[5] The Archives of Dermatological Research published results of the study which discovered that avocado exhibits anti-inflammatory effects that reduce UV damage. In addition, avocados contain high vitamin E and C content. These vitamins function as antioxidants and protect skin from oxidative damage while improving the synthesis of collagen.

Red and yellow bell peppers

Red and yellow bell peppers

What to Eat to Look Younger Naturally

Red and yellow bell peppers are one of the best food to look younger naturally. [6] They owe their anti-aging benefits to high vitamin C content. Not only does vitamin C strengthen the immune system and helps the body fend off viruses and infections, it also plays an important role in skin health. A growing body of evidence confirms that higher intake of vitamin C (and lower intake of carbohydrates) results in better skin appearance. These peppers are also abundant in vitamin A, yet another essential micronutrient for the healthy and youthful skin.

What to put on your breakfast plate?

Breakfast is the most important meal for many reasons; it boosts your energy levels that keep you alert and productive and it prevents you from overeating later in the day. Some people have a habit to skip breakfast, particularly if they want to lose weight, but that’s not the healthiest thing to do.


You see, if you don’t eat breakfast you are more likely to overeat during lunch and dinner, meaning the chances are higher you’ll gain weight. Breakfasts should be highly nutritious, but healthy at the same time. Your diet to look younger should start with breakfasts that support skin health. Here are some foods to put on the breakfast plate:


Oatmeal is rich in fiber which ensures regular digestion and removal of toxins from your body. Toxins can negatively affect your skin and make it appear dull and lifeless. Unlike refined carbs, oatmeal contains slow-release carbohydrates which don’t result in sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Due to high-fiber content, oatmeal suppresses your appetite and prevents cravings. This is particularly beneficial if we bear in mind that most people crave unhealthy foods that have a bad impact on their skin and waistline.



Does Eating Healthy Make You Look Younger?

Eggs have been demonized recently despite their incredible health benefits. Staple breakfast ingredient exhibits its anti-aging properties thanks to the yolk which is a great source of calcium and iron while egg whites are abundant in protein. Including eggs into your breakfast also supplies the body with vitamins A, E, B12, and B2. Vitamin A that we obtain through diet controls gene activity, a vital process for development of new skin cells, wound healing, and growth of new tissue.


The main reason why you should bananas to your breakfast is their ability to suppress appetite and keep you full until lunchtime. Also, they are an incredible source of mineral potassium which regulates your blood pressure and keeps you healthy. This fruit is of resistant starch, a healthy type of carbohydrate and it adds natural sweetness to your breakfast. Adding bananas to your breakfast means you don’t have to use sugar and other sweeteners which could affect your skin and cause various health problems.



Anti Aging Foods and Vitamins

Grapefruit contains natural acids that cleanse your skin, which explains why it is a common ingredient in facial cleansers. This citrus fruit is a great source of vitamin C, micronutrient essential for the production of collagen. Also, pink grapefruit is abundant in beta-carotene that slows the aging process of skin cells and minimizes the appearance of dark patches that are characteristic for hyperpigmentation.


Despite their tiny appearance, blueberries are considered a superfood thanks to high nutrient content and potent antioxidants. Blueberry-rich diet can improve your motor skills, fight different diseases, and make skin appear youthful due to polyphenols that prevent oxidative damage.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate Juice

Youthful Skin Diet

Pomegranate juice is highly beneficial for our overall health and wellbeing and it also contributes to skin appearance. Evidence shows that a glass of pomegranate juice a day keeps wrinkles at bay. Why? That’s because this wonderful juice slows down the aging process of your DNA. Starting your day with a glass of pomegranate juice is a great way to improve your health and make the skin appear more youthful.

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What anti-aging food is best for older adults?

Although you probably want to know one specific food that keeps you young and healthy, that’s not how it works. You see, to stay healthy and look younger you have to make different tweaks in your diet, instead of increasing the consumption of one food only.

Older adults should limit or avoid consumption of trans fats, sweets, alcohol, and junk food. On the other hand, you should increase intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids. At the same time, staying hydrated is essential. Below, you can see the list of anti-aging foods that older adults should consume more:

  • Apples
  • Avocado
  • Beans
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Dark chocolate
  • Grapes
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Oranges
  • Red wine (a glass per day)
  • Salmon and other fatty fish
  • Seeds
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelons


Diet to look younger should contain a plethora of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other important nutrients. We are what we eat and our skin, like other organs and systems in the body, requires adequate nutrition to function properly. There is no way to stop aging process, but we can slow down its effects with healthy diet and elimination of unhealthy foods from the menu.

If you are also seeking for top rated anti aging wrinkle cream then you can get many more reviews on our site.

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