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If you are an acne sufferer, then you know how hard it can be to create a daily healthy skin care routine that works for your skin acne.[1] Not all products out there on the market are acne-friendly.

Daily Care Routine for Acne Sufferers : 10 Habits to Follow 
Proper care and an effective beauty regimen can help to prevent acne outbreaks. Shutterstock Images

When you suffer from acne, you may find yourself searching for products that are low in oils yet won’t make your skin dry and flaky. Depending on the type of acne you have, you may have to develop a specific beauty regimen.

Here I’ve outlined some valuable information that will help create the best daily beauty care routine for most acne sufferers.[2]

Wash Your Face

This may sound like a no-brainer, but a national study revealed that up to 80% of Americans wash their faces improperly. The result of this study concluded that those who were surveyed knew very little about the ingredients in the skin products they used. They also didn’t know that their skin type was an important factor.

It is highly recommended that you wash your face twice a day with warm water. Avoid using hot water, as it may dehydrate your skin and leave it feeling and looking dry. You will want a moisturiser that hydrates your skin but does not contain high amounts of oil that will clog your pores.

Check the Active Ingredients

You can choose your own favourite facial cleanser. Be sure to check the active ingredients to see if your face wash contains salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or other acne preventing ingredients.

Salicylic Acid

– Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), which is an ingredient in most acne prevention products. According to study, this particular ingredient helps unclog your pores by exfoliating your skin. Salicylic acid is known for helping to remove dead skin cells and deep-down dirt buildup. [3] Like any acne product you only want to use as directed.

Some people may experience dryness of the skin if they do not moisturise properly after using products that contain salicylic acid. If you experience reddened, irritated skin, you may want to reduce the usage. This ingredient only removes surface dirt and oil. It does not kill bacteria.

Benzoyl Peroxide

– Benzoyl peroxide helps kill acne-causing bacteria beneath the skin. This active ingredient is used to prevent acne before it can develop.[4] This ingredient also helps remove dead skin cells and excess oils from the skin’s surface. Benzoyl peroxide works best on traditional pimples.

The American Academy of Pediatrics claims that benzoyl peroxide is the most effective acne-fighting treatment you can get without a prescription. Benzoyl peroxide is believed to have a much more drying effect than salicylic acid.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Both of these ingredients are capable of causing dryness when you first start using them. However, allergic reactions are quite rare. If you experience cracked, swollen, excessively irritated skin, or difficulty breathing, stop using this product immediately and contact a medical professional.

While these side effects are rare, they can present a serious condition. If your skin is highly sensitive, you should take extra care when using over-the-counter acne products.



Using the right moisturizer can help to maintain skin balance. Shutterstock Images

Moisturizing your skin is an important step in maintaining healthy-looking skin that isn’t dry and flaky. However, finding a product that moisturises your face yet doesn’t clog your pores with oils can be difficult. It is recommended to find a hypoallergenic product.

Hypoallergenic skin products are less likely to cause allergic reactions.[5] Allergic reactions can cause inflammation in your skin, which can lead to acne flare-ups. Not only do you want a product that is hypoallergenic, but also one that is noncomedogenic.

Noncomedogenic products are specially formulated and do not clog up your pores. It is recommended to moisturise daily after each facial cleanse. This will prevent your skin from drying excessively and help you maintain a healthy glow.

Use the Right Cosmetics

If your acne is unsightly, you may be tempted to cover it up with tonnes of makeup. There are several factors to consider when deciding the best daily skin care beauty regimen for acne sufferers. First, make sure you’ve washed your face and moisturised properly. Then it is recommended to use acne-preventing concealer. There are several products out there that are designed to conceal blemishes but also provide preventative effects.[6]

Concealing acne and redness for many sufferers can help boost their self-esteem. While you may not feel embarrassed by your acne, many people tend to feel better when they are able to cover up their acne spots and redness.

If you wish to use a foundation afterward for acne-prone skin, you may want to try a powder-based foundation. In general, powder foundations will not clog your pores and are known to have oil-absorbing properties.

Give Acne Facials A Try

If you suffer from acne breakouts only on occasion or have trouble maintaining blackheads, consider getting a facial at least once a month. Facials are conducted by estheticians in a salon setting. Although every pesky blackhead won’t vanish with your first facial, your acne may improve over time.

It may take up to three sessions to notice any changes. Facials may include a combination of steaming, scrubs, and extractions. Be sure to maintain your regular acne treatment in-between facials. Not all acne types can benefit from a salon typesetting.

If your acne is severe, then you may want to seek the help of a medical professional. Sometimes prescription acne medication is the only appropriate treatment.

Acne Facials

The acne facial helps to treat the root cause of acne. Shutterstock Images

Take Care

You may be unintentionally harming your skin with your current beauty regimen. Your skin is the largest organ in the body. Naturally, your skin can be affected by many things you do on a daily basis. Try to cut out greasy foods. Instead, try to eat foods that are high in antioxidants, like blueberries and raspberries.

Also, avoid daily scrubbing your face roughly or using water that is way too hot in the shower, which is not good for your face. Doing so can strip your skin of its natural essential oils and leave it excessively dry. Don’t forget to use sunscreen if you are planning on venturing outside.

The sun can have harmful effects on your skin if left unprotected. Skin conditions that already exist can potentially be worsened by the effects of the sun.

Ingredients To Avoid

Here are some ingredients that you should stay away from when dealing with acne. Avoid products that contain lanolin. Lanolin can be greasy and cause allergic reactions on sensitive skin. Avoid cocoa butter as well, as it is highly comedogenic, which means it clogs pores quickly.

You may also want to avoid parabens. Parabens are not necessarily found to be bad for your skin, but they mimic the female hormone estrogen. This could cause acne production and thus should be avoided.

Ingredients To Look For


Checking ingredients before buying any product is essential. Shutterstock Images

Be on the lookout for alpha-hydroxy acids, or AHAs. AHAs remove dead skin cells that cause clogged pores and leave your skin feeling nice and smooth. Sulfur is often used in combination with other acne prevention ingredients. Sulfur clears out pores and removes excess oils.

Clay is another ingredient that is celebrated by acne sufferers. Clay can reduce inflammation and temporarily reduce oil production. Try to rotate your acne products to prevent skin irritation . Use one type in the morning and another in the night.[7]

Read Next: Acne Scars: What Is It And How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars?


The best daily beauty regimen for acne sufferers is…

  • Wash your face twice a day with an oil-free facial cleanser that contains (salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, AHAs, or other acne preventing ingredient). Use warm water only.
  • Use the best toner for acne to prevent acne breakouts and increase pimples.
  • Moisturize with a hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic, oil-free moisturizer.
  • To cover acne spots, use a clear complexion concealer that contains salicylic acid or other acne prevention ingredients. Preferably one that is noncomedogenic and oil-free.
  • Use a foundation that is powder-based so that it will absorb oil and not clog pores.
  • Schedule a facial once a month for mild acne. Seek medical professionals to help if you have severe acne.
  • Take care to not use harmful ingredients, rough scrubs, high fragrance products or other irritants. Use sunscreen and stick to ingredients that will boost your skin’s radiance.
  • Rotate your products to avoid skin irritation.

It may take some time to figure out how to use your acne products like Clear Pores Acne Treatment and Dermology Acne Treatment in a way that best suits you. If you follow a regimen such as this one you may see great results.

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MaryBeth Parisi, MD

Dr. MaryBeth Parisi is a board-certified Harvard trained Dermatologist. She has over 18 years of experience in the field of skin care.